A calendar is a simple way to follow the order of the Tzolkin.
Each day the order moves by 1.
There is nothing to learn.
Each day as you look at the numbers and contemplate the 3 words associated with their functions and expressions,
you will, with practise, develop your own relationship with them.
The calendar on this website is essentially the same as
the Universal 13 Moon Dreamspell Calendar initiated by Jose & Llyodine Arguelles.
It has merely been adapted to accomodate the 4 numbers and the 4 seasons.
The practise is about ‘following’ the Order, following the numbers.
The numbers of the Tzolkin are ORDER, they are not quantitive.
There is no ‘destination’, rather than getting anything or anywhere, it is a practise of following,
being aware of and following the order of number.
Mentally attuning to that which already IS and being mindful of what guides our presence.
The Harmonic Order of Creation.
Following the calendar is a self generative practise.
It is not about knowing, it is a participatory practise of awareness, awareness of the Order
that both catalyses and sustains life and being present with IT.
Allowing it to fill our minds, inform our way and determine our being.
We have become accustomed to looking outside of us for information,
and engaging in activities with the expectation of an end goal,
including accumulating volumes of inert knowledge we consider truth.
To follow the dual functions each day is a practise of perceiving both
‘change’ as the dynamic and duality as One.
Neither meaning nor application are fixed.
As order, the numbers have no meaning other than that which you assign them
and any meaning, story, or text, is relative to the person who shares it.
The Tzolkin is unique as a ‘Sacred Text’.
Number as order cannot be edited and is ever changing.
Number as Order cannot be questioned, cannot be doubted and needs no analysis or proof.
The Tzolkin is a living text.
Its’ meaning is individual, dynamic and relative to All.
Like a choir of individual voices, when attuned to the One song,
there is harmony and the song flows with grace.
The Order, of number, is already determined, we do not choose, control or create it.
We may though, ‘follow’ Its’ order and allow It to guide our being.
Change is ever present and our individual participatory awareness
empowers harmonic adaptation with that which IS - Order.
There are no right or wrong ways to follow the Tzolkin,
as while there is One Order,
there are infinite paths ‘of’ the One.
The suggested practises are exactly that, merely suggestions, please follow it in a way that feels right for you.
It is a practise, not an event.
Unification is your participatory presence with the Order.
Attunement is an ever present potentiality of every moment, every now.
The practise of attunement is dual.
Mind and body, following the calendar and embodying S5.
Your participation is the key, all ways.
The Calendar at Glance
A Kin Number is what the numbers on the Tzolkin are referred to.
Eg; number 1 is referred to as Kin 1
number 2 is referred to as Kin 2
number 135 is referred to as Kin 135 etc
Key to the Front Cover
A Kin Number is what the numbers on the Tzolkin are referred to.
Eg; number 1 is referred to as Kin 1
number 2 is referred to as Kin 2
number 135 is referred to as Kin 135 etc
Key to the Front Cover
First day of the year
26 July 2022
26 July 2022
Back cover of calendar
On the back page are some suggested contemplations
…perhaps as cues for your own participatory engagement.
There is a note on S5, when to place outside and when to freeze the water…
Inside the calendar
( please note, the images used to illustrate are from a previous calendar. The information is applicable though to any year....
....although the numbers will be different.....
The 13 Moons remain constant in form, aligning with the solar year of 364 Days (+1)
eg - June 1 is always the 3rd day of the 12th Moon and February 5 is always the day 27th day of the 7th Moon.
The 260 Kin / day cycle of the Tzolkin begins a new cycle each year on 12th April, the 9th day of the 10th Moon .
On that day it will be Kin 174 / 7 again, as it was on the first day of the year. ....and it will be slightly different.....as the moon within which it occurs is different...... first day of the year = Moon 1
.....260 'KIN' later 174 / 7 = Moon 10
There are 13 Moons per year, numbered 1 to 13.
These numbers 1 to 13 are the expressions of each moon.
(See below for list & illustrations of the expressions)
Moon 1 = Magnetic,
Moon 2 = Lunar ….
Moon 9 = Solar….etc
Each moon is referred to as The Moon of ”…x…”
This ‘…x…’ is the essence of the moon.
You will notice on the list of the 13 expressions each has an essence.
Moon 1 - Essence = Purpose
Moon 2 - Essence = Challenge
Moon 3 - Essence = Service…
Moon 9 - Essence = Intention….etc
These numbers 1 to 13 are the expressions of each moon.
(See below for list & illustrations of the expressions)
Moon 1 = Magnetic,
Moon 2 = Lunar ….
Moon 9 = Solar….etc
Each moon is referred to as The Moon of ”…x…”
This ‘…x…’ is the essence of the moon.
You will notice on the list of the 13 expressions each has an essence.
Moon 1 - Essence = Purpose
Moon 2 - Essence = Challenge
Moon 3 - Essence = Service…
Moon 9 - Essence = Intention….etc
Each Moon is comprised of 4 weeks of 7 days = 28 days
To identify a day within a moon, eg; 15th March,
it may be referred to as …
’Moon 9, Day 9’
Moon 9, Week 2, Day 2
Reference page
Each moon has a reference page, it is the same each moon.
Each moon has a reference page, it is the same each moon.
The pdf has been designed that if you were to print it double sided
the reference would be above each moon
the reference would be above each moon
The functions are numbered 1 to 20 They can be represented as a number or an icon, a glyph or a name. Eg; 1 = Red Dragon = the first glyph on the column to the right 2 = White Wind = the second glyph in the column They each have a colour Eg ; Red Dragon - the number 1 is coloured red and the glyph is coloured red. ( note - there are no colours on the reference page as I didn’t know how to do that at the time when I made the calendar, so perhaps colour them in if it is helpful. ) There are 3 words associated with the functions describe an action, an essence and a power of each. They are offered as cues for your own understanding, your own interpretation. They do not have a fixed meaning. There is nothing to learn. Possibly the meaning of these words may vary at different times for you, that is perfect too. Possibly the meaning of these words may vary for different people, that is perfect too. Everybody is unique, everybody will have an individual way of perceiving their meaning. Their meaning is relative to you…and at that time too. Perhaps consider how do these words reflect your experience on that day, in that present moment? It is not a test, it is a practise of following ….in a way that is both dynamic and relative to you. |
Expressions The expressions or tones are numbered 1 to 13 They can be represented as a number or in dot bar notation.. They are not quantitative, they are ORDER. There are 3 words associated with each expression describe an action, an essence and a power of the expression. Again the 3 words are ‘cues’ for interpretation, not definitions to learn. |
1 = 1 dot
2 = 2 dots 3 = 3 dots 4 = 4 dots 5 = 1 bar ( a line ) 6 = 1 dot + 1 bar ( 1 + 5 = 6 ) 7 = 2 dots + 1 bar ( 2 + 5 = 7 ) 8 = 3 dots + 1 bar ( 3 + 5 = 8 ) 9 = 4 dots + 1 bar ( 4 + 5 = 9 ) 10 = 2 bars ( 2 x 5 = 10 ) 11 = 2 bars + 1 dot ( 2 x 5 + 1 = 11 ) 12 = 2 bars + 2 dots ( 2 x 5 + 2 = 12 ) 13 = 2 bars + 3 dots ( 2 x 5 + 3= 13) |
Suggested Ways to follow the Tzolkin.
Way 1
Simply note the two colours and look at the numbers
Following the Tzolkin is not about understanding, nor is it about how much you do.
If this a way to follow the Tzolkin that suits you, it is perfect.
There is no wrong or right way, it is about participation…..
The kin number for the day is in the top left hand corner.
This number will increase by 1 each day.
192 on 11/3/22 and 3 days later 195 on 14/3/22……until 260 when the order will begin again at 1.
To follow the Tzolkin is simply to follow these numbers….these 4 numbers are the foundation.
Image 1 - yellow - indicates the Kin is a yellow function
Image 2 - blue - indicates the Kin is a blue function
The functions are dual in nature, each has a pair.
Blue and white are pairs
Red and Yellow are pairs.
The colour of the fonts each day reflect this duality.
The coloured font in image 1 is ‘red’ as the dual function of a yellow kin is red
The coloured font in image 2 is ‘white’ as the dual function of a blue kin is white.
All creation is dual in nature, including the functions.
There is no division between the two.
Neither is more important.
There is no judgement of one being better than the other,
they are as one.
The number on the left simply indicates the Order as per the Order of the Tzolkin.
Each day the kin numbers change.
It is the kin number in the top left that increases by one each day.
Simply note the two colours and look at the numbers
This number will increase by 1 each day.
192 on 11/3/22 and 3 days later 195 on 14/3/22……until 260 when the order will begin again at 1.
To follow the Tzolkin is simply to follow these numbers….these 4 numbers are the foundation.
Image 1 - yellow - indicates the Kin is a yellow function
Image 2 - blue - indicates the Kin is a blue function
The functions are dual in nature, each has a pair.
Blue and white are pairs
Red and Yellow are pairs.
The colour of the fonts each day reflect this duality.
The coloured font in image 1 is ‘red’ as the dual function of a yellow kin is red
The coloured font in image 2 is ‘white’ as the dual function of a blue kin is white.
All creation is dual in nature, including the functions.
There is no division between the two.
Neither is more important.
There is no judgement of one being better than the other,
they are as one.
The number on the left simply indicates the Order as per the Order of the Tzolkin.
Each day the kin numbers change.
It is the kin number in the top left that increases by one each day.
Simply note the two colours and look at the numbers
Suggested Way 2
Identifying the Functions and the Expressions
The top two numbers 195 & 126, are the Kin number and its ‘pair'.
Together 195 & 126 are 1 ( One dual function )
The expression & function of these two numbers, 195 & 126 are included each day
The font colour identifies them.
195 = 13 Eagle = Blue Cosmic Eagle
Expression 13 (Cosmic)
Function - Blue Eagle
126 = 9 W-Bridger = White Solar Worldbridger
Expression 9 (Solar)
Function - White Worldbridger
Together 195 & 126 are 1 ( One dual function )
The expression & function of these two numbers, 195 & 126 are included each day
The font colour identifies them.
195 = 13 Eagle = Blue Cosmic Eagle
Expression 13 (Cosmic)
Function - Blue Eagle
126 = 9 W-Bridger = White Solar Worldbridger
Expression 9 (Solar)
Function - White Worldbridger
With this information you may refer to the function and expression lists on the reference page
and consider the 3 words of each in relation to whatever comes to mind for you in that moment.
The words are cues, it is not a test, play with them, engage with them, that’s all.
and consider the 3 words of each in relation to whatever comes to mind for you in that moment.
The words are cues, it is not a test, play with them, engage with them, that’s all.
Sometimes all the words may feel relevant for you, other times only some or perhaps none.
You do not have to create a story including all the words;)
Sometimes the words may trigger an uneasiness or uncomfortableness in you.
Maybe spend a moment and ask yourself why.
If you place the calendar somewhere that you will see it regularly,
maybe, every now and then, choose a word and ponder it as you have a cup of tea, or wash the dishes……
There is no need to put aside special time or a special place….this order is within you,
you take it wherever you are…tuning in, need not be time consuming or costly.
a black & white calendar could be printed for under $2 or alternatively
a screen shot or bookmark could be added to your phone or computer…..
or alternatively draw your own….
Please note, I am not intending to belittle the sacredness of the Tzolkin.
The Tzolkin is like a friend to me whom I love with my whole heart.
The suggestions and comments are included incase you feel overwhelmed
by yet another suggested ‘thing to do’
perhaps feel you do not have time for this practise.
Also, while I have used the word practise,
it is not so much the ‘doing’ as the participatory presence each day.
The ‘ways’ are infinite,
so remain open and flexible with your participation each day
and choose a way that feels right and is manageable for you.
A example…. Kin 195 & 126
The Blue Cosmic Eagle may encourage you to step back and see the bigger picture of what is going on in your life.
Sometimes our focus can distract us from seeing other opportunities …
Which is where the function of the White Solar Worldbridger comes into play,
supporting us to realise attachment to one way blocks the potential of new opportunities.
It doesn’t have to be serious either… play with them too.
You may look at these two archetypes and think to yourself…
"today is a great day to get over myself, spread my wings and shake loose a few tail feathers"........
..... share some joy and put aside your worries for the day…
While the story we choose to tell ourselves,
when we consider these archetypal energies may be helpful, a timely nudge or supporting….
it is not so much about the story….
it is a practise of attuning your mind,
in whichever way works and is relevant for you,
to the Order….The Order of Creation…..
to its’ duality, its’ change, its' perfection.
Consider a song…
A song exists, whether we sing IT in tune is a potentiality.
Our individually practise is an attunement, not only for ourselves, for the collective too
as together our individual voices create harmony
A few notes -
126 is the unseen pair of Kin number 195.
Unseen refers only to that which is not obvious.
126 is ‘within 195 when it is in the unseen position on the righthand side..
The two numbers underneath are called the occult kin.
Their functions are the same as the top numbers each day, in this case Eagle and Worldbridger.
They are also differentiated by coloured font and it is enough just to acknowledge them with your awareness.
126 is the unseen pair of Kin number 195.
Unseen refers only to that which is not obvious.
126 is ‘within 195 when it is in the unseen position on the righthand side..
The two numbers underneath are called the occult kin.
Their functions are the same as the top numbers each day, in this case Eagle and Worldbridger.
They are also differentiated by coloured font and it is enough just to acknowledge them with your awareness.
Within the website there are images which illustrate these 4 numbers
and here below, is an illustration how to locate them on the Tzolkin
if you wish to identify them other than by number and function.
A calendar is a perfect tool, with which to follow the Order.
Jose and Llyodine Arguelles gifted us when they complied a universal calendar of 13 moons
with which to follow the order of the Tzolkin.
My gratitude is unbounded and I do not intend this presentation to negate any of their contributions.
The 4 kin per Kin number, while perhaps ‘not yet’ universally observed are not new.
They were once known by ancient cultures around the globe.
I did not make them up, they have come from the combined practise
of following the Tzolkin and embodying S5….mind and body….as one
If you already have a practise of following the 13:20 Dreamspell as many do,
thanks to the dedicated efforts of The Foundation of The Law of Time
and many others who promote awareness of it,
then perhaps simply screen shot or print one of the 4 Kin Tzolkin in the resources.
The 4 kin are foundational for harmonic evolution.
thanks to the dedicated efforts of The Foundation of The Law of Time
and many others who promote awareness of it,
then perhaps simply screen shot or print one of the 4 Kin Tzolkin in the resources.
The 4 kin are foundational for harmonic evolution.
The Tzolkin
If you have had no experience ‘reading’ the Tzolkin, the images below may perhaps illustrate its’ Simplicity……
a grid of 260 numbers that contains Absolutely everything.
The Tzolkin is not merely a symbol of The Absolute ( for our present experience of Life)
The Tzolkin is Its’ Order.
The Order of the catalytic ‘energy / light’ that evolves / turns Creation.
The Numbers are degrees of this energy.
The degrees are not quantitive or mathematical values, the degrees are a
Each moon has 28 days. The Kin number each day increases by 1.
to locate the Kin number simply locate the number.
Each ‘box’ on the Tzolkin identifies ….
1 -The colour of the function
2 - The number or name of the function
3 - The number or name of the expression
Identifying the Colour & Function
Each of the 20 rows on the Tzolkin are individually assigned to each of the 20 functions.
The colours are constant.
Red Dragon is always Red,
Blue Eagle is always blue.
Eg row 1 = function 1 = Red Dragon
Row 8 = function 8 = Yellow Star
While the expressions may not appear to be as ordered as the functions, there is an order…
there is order in all.
The dot bar notation is illustrated above,
the image below identifies each of the 13 expressions of
Function 15 - Blue Eagle
Identifying the Expression
The calendar identifies the Kin and its (unseen) pair each day.
If wish know the expression of the two occult kin each day, simply refer to the Tzolkin on the reference page each day.
Locate the number and look at the dot bar notation - that is the number of the expression.
Eg; Kin 66 has 1 dot = Expression 1 = the Magnetic tone
Kin 115 has 1 dot & 2 bars = Expression 11 = the Spectral tone
They are of no lesser importance, only there wasn’t room for me to include them other than by number.
If you are beginning this practice with no prior familiarity with the Tzolkin,
start slowly, it is a 'language', allow yourself to become familiar with it.
Embodying S5 is the most efficient way.
Physically, through feeling,
you attune to the order within you,
informing mind….informing being.
If you are beginning this practice with no prior familiarity with the Tzolkin,
start slowly, it is a 'language', allow yourself to become familiar with it.
Embodying S5 is the most efficient way.
Physically, through feeling,
you attune to the order within you,
informing mind….informing being.
Some things you may notice:
The order of the colours each day ; Red - White - Blue - Yellow - red - white ….
Every 20 days the Kin is the same function….only expressed differently.
Each 260 day cycle, the functions express themselves in the 13 different ways.
If you have explored the website, you will have noticed the 2 dynamics, clockwise & anticlockwise….the calendar reflects this …
Identifying the wavespells
Each wavespell begins on Expression 1 and ends on Expression 13
Expression 1 = Magnetic
Expression 13 = Cosmic
All Kin exist in a wavespell.
To identify any Kins’ wavespell simply count back to the magnetic tone
before the kin number and that is the function of its wavespell.
The kin number that ‘changes’, ( increases by 1 each day ) is the Kin that identifies the wavespell.
Eg kin 195 is in the Blue Night wavespell…..
Kin 183, Blue Magnetic Night identifies this wavespell
and it is named the Blue Night Wavespell.
The following image though illustrates the dual wavespells are in relation to the example - Kin 195.
The wavespells operate as dual functions.
White worldbridger is the wavespell pair of the Blue night wavespell.
There is information in the website that illustrates this.
White worldbridger is the wavespell pair of the Blue night wavespell.
There is information in the website that illustrates this.
S5 is made on these 13 day cycles called wavespells.
The 13 days are a full spectrum of a functions energy.
When you make S5, awareness of the dual wavespell is important,
the dual functions of each wavespell are One.
There is infinitely more….always…..that can be explored.
Let your curiosity guide your explorations…..
enjoy the flow.
This section has offered a way to become familiar with following the Tzolkin.
Within the website is information on the
Tzolkin as a Spiral and the unseen aspects that emerge from within the
Tzolkin as a grid of 260 numbers. (Illustrated above)
The 100 additional Kin numbers complete the wholeness, the oneness….represented by a circle of 360º
They are identifiable on the calendar as the 2 numbers on the right hand side ( 126 & 115 )
‘Knowing everything’ and ‘understanding everything’ can interfere
with an openness to explore and expand awareness…..
Allow curiosity, rather than desire, to guide you.
Mind and Body,
two practises,
informing mind and body,
together as night and day,
they are One.
Awareness is a seed
The foundation
Let your curiosity guide your explorations…..
enjoy the flow.
This section has offered a way to become familiar with following the Tzolkin.
Within the website is information on the
Tzolkin as a Spiral and the unseen aspects that emerge from within the
Tzolkin as a grid of 260 numbers. (Illustrated above)
The 100 additional Kin numbers complete the wholeness, the oneness….represented by a circle of 360º
They are identifiable on the calendar as the 2 numbers on the right hand side ( 126 & 115 )
‘Knowing everything’ and ‘understanding everything’ can interfere
with an openness to explore and expand awareness…..
Allow curiosity, rather than desire, to guide you.
Mind and Body,
two practises,
informing mind and body,
together as night and day,
they are One.
Awareness is a seed
The foundation
a simplified booklet as a reference as you begin your practice