note - I will date future 'stories'.... this was written early 2021....
THE EMERALD TABLETS - Spiralling thoughts.......
All spiritually revered texts, whether revealed or remembered have been written by the hand of a human, from that humans perspective, relative to that human, at that time, at that place. Also anyone who writes anything will be aware that only ever a small percentage of the thoughts that catalyse the formed text ever make it on to the page. Neither could a transcription recorded after hearing a sermon, or participating in a conversation ever be transcribed in its entirety or with the essence with which it was spoken. What does make it on to the page is a fraction of the whole, conveyed in the words relative to that human.
It seems to me that we have come to interpret ancient texts as a scientist analyses a petri dish of ‘selected’ cells. The essence that gives the form/ text life, and meaning, is lost in the analysis, picking to pieces the words, seeking to know, searching for meaning with our minds, limited by our present awareness.
Sometimes even the fact that words are culturally specific to the time the text was written is often overlooked, let alone that which gives it life, relevance, meaning,…the underlying essence. We have left out what we cannot see, cannot read, we have come to rely on our minds and that which is tangible to the experience of our five outer senses. Just because something cannot be seen, does not mean it is not there, does not mean that it isn’t integral.
Added to this, over time, texts have been translated not only into various other languages, but other versions as well. I am not referring to oral traditions that passed information through word of mouth, stories or songs, as they are not ‘fixed’ like text. They are alive, dynamic, culturally adaptive and living. Texts are defined products of one persons understanding at that time and then looked upon for years to come as ‘Truth’. All is dynamic. All is relative.
Often too, the various translations when compared can sometimes appear as a transcription of a ‘Chinese whisper’. Perhaps that’s a bit harsh:) I’m not suggesting that they have no value, rather that perhaps we risk over identifying with symbol, rather than what is symbolised. One only need look at the rise and power of mainstream and social media in ‘shaping’ the ‘truths’ people seek to share and identify with.
Added to this, if a translation / interpretation is too far ‘out of the box’, not only does this ‘interpretation’ risk being disregarded as completely ‘mad’, it may even be perceived as offensive or threatening and its author can experience isolation, ridicule, loss of social status and in some circumstances death.
So rather than challenge the mindset of cultural acceptance ‘writers’ sometimes shape their message so it will be received and accepted rather than share their authentic perceptions. While we may no longer burn people at the stake, we often ‘burn’ the opportunity of new ways. Forgetting to stoke the bonfire of our vanities, we miss the opportunities for transformation, which is often called for. Now, at this time of unprecedented global challenges, radical transformation may be our greatest strength….
However critical thinking is sometimes viewed as criticism and change is resisted. Like boats safely moored in a harbour endlessly, we have forgotten we are built for sailing across the oceans, traded exploration and adventure for safety and security. We occasionally change moorings, like a mannequin changing clothes in a shop window, it may appear different, although only the presentation has changed. …no one wants to rock the boat!
The following presentation ‘rocks the boat’. I intend no offence. While it may appear simplistic, that is intentional, as I feel, God didn’t make life difficult.
I have chosen to use The Emerald Tablets as an example as they are short :) I felt perhaps I would experiment and use the Tzolkin to express my understanding of the text and offer another way of perceiving it.
And while it may? appear as some egoic trip challenging that which is collectively and has been for centuries accepted as a Truth, I am offering it as an example of ‘another way’.
‘The Way’, Creation is ever dynamic and evolving, in every moment….can we let go and adapt with IT’s Way, attune to IT’s Order, without the need to know every detail. And perhaps in the releasing of the ‘pieces’ we will find Peace……the harmonic essence underlying all creation.
It seems to me that we have come to interpret ancient texts as a scientist analyses a petri dish of ‘selected’ cells. The essence that gives the form/ text life, and meaning, is lost in the analysis, picking to pieces the words, seeking to know, searching for meaning with our minds, limited by our present awareness.
Sometimes even the fact that words are culturally specific to the time the text was written is often overlooked, let alone that which gives it life, relevance, meaning,…the underlying essence. We have left out what we cannot see, cannot read, we have come to rely on our minds and that which is tangible to the experience of our five outer senses. Just because something cannot be seen, does not mean it is not there, does not mean that it isn’t integral.
Added to this, over time, texts have been translated not only into various other languages, but other versions as well. I am not referring to oral traditions that passed information through word of mouth, stories or songs, as they are not ‘fixed’ like text. They are alive, dynamic, culturally adaptive and living. Texts are defined products of one persons understanding at that time and then looked upon for years to come as ‘Truth’. All is dynamic. All is relative.
Often too, the various translations when compared can sometimes appear as a transcription of a ‘Chinese whisper’. Perhaps that’s a bit harsh:) I’m not suggesting that they have no value, rather that perhaps we risk over identifying with symbol, rather than what is symbolised. One only need look at the rise and power of mainstream and social media in ‘shaping’ the ‘truths’ people seek to share and identify with.
Added to this, if a translation / interpretation is too far ‘out of the box’, not only does this ‘interpretation’ risk being disregarded as completely ‘mad’, it may even be perceived as offensive or threatening and its author can experience isolation, ridicule, loss of social status and in some circumstances death.
So rather than challenge the mindset of cultural acceptance ‘writers’ sometimes shape their message so it will be received and accepted rather than share their authentic perceptions. While we may no longer burn people at the stake, we often ‘burn’ the opportunity of new ways. Forgetting to stoke the bonfire of our vanities, we miss the opportunities for transformation, which is often called for. Now, at this time of unprecedented global challenges, radical transformation may be our greatest strength….
However critical thinking is sometimes viewed as criticism and change is resisted. Like boats safely moored in a harbour endlessly, we have forgotten we are built for sailing across the oceans, traded exploration and adventure for safety and security. We occasionally change moorings, like a mannequin changing clothes in a shop window, it may appear different, although only the presentation has changed. …no one wants to rock the boat!
The following presentation ‘rocks the boat’. I intend no offence. While it may appear simplistic, that is intentional, as I feel, God didn’t make life difficult.
I have chosen to use The Emerald Tablets as an example as they are short :) I felt perhaps I would experiment and use the Tzolkin to express my understanding of the text and offer another way of perceiving it.
And while it may? appear as some egoic trip challenging that which is collectively and has been for centuries accepted as a Truth, I am offering it as an example of ‘another way’.
‘The Way’, Creation is ever dynamic and evolving, in every moment….can we let go and adapt with IT’s Way, attune to IT’s Order, without the need to know every detail. And perhaps in the releasing of the ‘pieces’ we will find Peace……the harmonic essence underlying all creation.
The Emerald Tablet
So below I am sharing a truth….my truth , as I perceive it in this moment and relative to my own experience. I’m not sharing it as an alternate interpretation that I think you need to know, I share purely as an individual perspective, to inspire your own questioning of what you know or think you know. If we become fixed in our truths, they lose their dynamic and relative essence and we miss the opportunity or openness to 'new ways’
While my thoughts and ideas are my truth, I don’t expect them to be yours too, there is no intention to persuade you to change your understanding……they are offered as a seed for your own questioning, to ‘Know Thyself’ …, from and for yourself….is that what was meant by those words left on the Delphian temple ???…
All interpretations are truth….mmm???, multiple truths? I believe so, Infinite Truths of the One.
The Emerald Tablet quite literally refers to the human body. The rock, the stone to be ‘polished’, the foundation, the base on which all rests, exists…..all human life, every BODY.
The ‘emerald’ refers to both the function and dynamic of the catalytic energy of Mercury within every body. No individual has any more or any less. Everybody is equal and unified by this primordial catalytic energy.
Consider a building; the structure, the 4 walls ( directions) are its form, its function.
And then depending on the activity within the building, the same building can be many things…… a church, a hospital, a house, a shop, a packing shed, a dance hall……this is the dynamic of the structure, and the two, function and dynamic (measure and movement) give rise to the ‘life of that ‘thing’ perceived as a building.
The two, function and dynamic, are symbiotic in nature, the action has no structure through which to express itself without the building and the building has no expression without the dynamic within it. They are inseparable and together they create the ‘life’ of the building.
Emerald - green, turquoise, jade - the power of mercurial energy - central and core to all life
Green is often associated with that which is central (core). Many texts, cultures, archaeological sites feature jade, emerald or turquoise. Green refers to Mercury. Enough references are already written and available….even down to the peace-full effect the colour green has on human emotions.
Creation, the manifestation, as an expression of God, seen or unseen, is comprised of these two aspects; function and dynamic.
There is a third..…. the power of the heart, at the centre of All Being. The four chambers of the heart are core and where resonance with “God’s Word’, Divine Order, The Absolute, emerges from. Deep within, the potential of harmonic creation is our own individual response - ability.
Open and freely allowing the Will of God, the Divine Order, that which IS. We as instruments, of God, are response -able for the degree of harmony, ‘our song of creation’…..and our service is authentic attunement.
With evolving / expanding awareness, IT is effortless and there is ease and peace. Awareness being another word for consciousness….to be conscious of something is simply awareness, to be aware of something.
A participatory relationship, an embodied/physical, tangible relationship initiates and evolves mind/ mental awareness, through feeling, sensing through the heart, the core of our 5 inner senses….and our truth, our individual realities, are reflected in the environment, both inner and outer; Perception creating our experience of life.
We are response - able for our experience of life. There is no greater power, that this catalytic energy within each and every body. than God. No one can either take that it away or give it to us… is already determined by our very being, our presence.
The Emerald tablet explains the nature of the catalytic energy, Mercury………
While the Tzolkin is the numerical order of this Energy.
The 4 wavelengths, that when ‘flowing’ in Divine proportion, in the ‘degree’ charted in the Tzolkin, creation is harmonic. When there is distortion of this Divine Proportion, the catalytic energy is disharmonic.
We cannot expect to know the mind of God, at best we can follow the Order. The most obvious reason we could never presume to know, is that the waves of catalytic energy are infinite in number. Each and every wave though follows the same order. Perhaps too, at every point on the wave there is another wave which intersects it, 360 at each point. Perhaps similar to an ever expanding Mandelbrot set. Beyond our knowing!…..I do not presume to know!
This does not mean that we are victims of a plan laid out by God, and that we have no possibility of a participatory role. We do. We can follow Its Order and in doing so we realise that we are not victims of Its Order, rather our ‘relationship with this Order, is an ever evolving attainment, at - one - ment / resonance. We ‘are’ response - able for all that we perceive and experience.
There are three practises, that I am aware of which support resonance with this Order of Creation.
They are 3 fold;
- MIND - mentally following the Order, the number
- BODY - embodying the Order - S5
- HEART - stillness at the core; Prayer, Stillness (the centre point of the ‘wheel
So for me The Emerald Tablet refers to the function and dynamic of all life, including our bodies, that we may ‘know thyself and the power inherent within ourselves and every body…so that we may choose to allow the wind to blow the sails of our vessel’s smoothly and gracefully…..from the darkness of the primordial oceans, joyfully, dynamically and open to new ways to a destination beyond our knowing, beyond our imagining…toward an ever dynamic Infinite Presence. Life is a magical present…all ways.
I’ve written out the Twelfth Century Latin translation here for reference. (In bold italics) I may though make reference to other translations as they may portray certain aspects excluded in the above mentioned translation. I have however only included one translation, as a reference here to keep it simple. Other translations can be found here, for those who are interested to compare.
I tend to use the word God. Please substitute whichever phrase resonates with you, for that Source of Creative Presence, that which is indefinable and Absolute. The word God for me is representative of that which cannot be named. Although I interchange with a few other terms…hopefully you will flow with that and given my introduction I am not seeking to share a scholarly analytical paper….I am sharing my knowing that has evolved through feeling, through embodying S5 and I am happy that my choice of words, while they may appear confusing, are dynamic. :)
The Emerald Tablet
Twelfth Century Latin translation
When I entered into the cave, I received the tablet zaradi, which was inscribed, from between the hands of Hermes, in which I discovered these words:
“…..hand of Hermes,…..”
The Emerald Tablet is attributed to Hermes.
Hermes is a personification of Mercury. Throughout time there have been many personifications of Mercury….
The Tablet engraved in the hand of Hermes, directly references the core role of Mercury in shaping life. The plural, ‘hands’, reference the two directions of Mercury’s dynamic, clockwise and anticlockwise…. depicted as two wings, or two serpents on a caduceus…the dual nature of Life.
The Word of God, is the primordial language of Life. It could be perceived simply as the frequencies of Light that are emitted from the sun (son), or rather through the sun from A Great Central Sun ( Source)
Like an alphabet it evolves in Order. ‘Number’ is not a thing. You cannot have ‘1’, you have 1 of something. And it is not possible to take ‘2’ away, you must take 2 of something away. Number is ORDER.
Admittedly, number can have a quantitative value, and can also be both qualitative and contemplative. Number is Divine.
Mercury is the messenger, who ‘carries’ the word of God / the frequencies of Light throughout our solar system.
This is not a metaphoric idea. Mercury has a physical form. While current scientific instrumentation is unable to measurable define it, Mercury can be observed relativistically at this time. Mercury, atomic number 80 (periodic table) has 2 electrons in its outer shell which are highly reactive. These two electrons in addition have 2 ‘unseen’ electrons.
( Dr. Greta Zahar has spent her lifetime working tirelessly to share this incredible knowledge. Despite the lack of acknowledgement, her scientific research and practises have been proven for more than 40 years. I am forever grateful and humbled to know her and while I may not be able to express the science as Dr Zahar understands it, I hope that I have ‘found my own narrative’ as she has always asked of me. Anything I share is my own interpretation)
Consider any object, for example your hand…or a stone…you ‘see’ one side of it…turn it over, there is the other ‘side’. This is the unseen.
Now consider a Fibonacci spiral drawn on a transparent piece of paper, you can follow its path clockwise into the centre and also anticlockwise back out. Now turn the piece of paper over and the spiral is now spiralling in the mirror image of the initial side of paper. These are the two dynamics, clockwise and anticlockwise.
In addition, duality, can perhaps be explained by the terms ‘inner’ and outer’. Even if you were to make a shape with your bare hands, within that shape, despite you holding no object, there is something…..
Within each waveform, there is another, only unseen. These two waves, with their two dynamics comprise the 4 directions.
4 electrons of Mercury, 4 sides of a square, the base…the foundation, measure and movement, function and dynamic. ……Divine Simplicity.
The ‘hidden chamber’ or the ‘cave’ mentioned in these introductory comments refers to the heart. The human heart, with its four chambers. These Mercury electrons, which I refer to as ‘the Energy of Mercury’ (sometimes just Mercury for short) are the catalytic power in every atomic reaction, every relationship…and they are present everywhere..and nowhere (unseen)…
At present science does not differentiate the quality of electrons, and assigns all electrons the same form and dynamic. I have perhaps suggested enough crazy ideas, so I will mention only briefly that the electrons of Mercury alone, have 13 different wavelengths and 20 different functions. This is the 13:20 matrix of the Tzolkin.
Blood contains iron. Iron is the only element on the periodic table that does not react with Mercury, thereby ‘freeing’ up this powerful catalytic energy, to flow through our hearts. Our hearts are so amazing, their transformative power is core, our inner compass quite literally. 4 chambers, 4 directions.
…now imagine…wrong word! ….we cannot conceive with our minds that which we have had no experience… make the S5 and feel……in your heart the potential peace, as that is where it emerges from…..our hearts are the organ that is most capable of balancing this energy, not so much in terms of equal amounts, rather Divinely Proportionality…..
(S5 is a unique embodied practise facilitating exactly this….no mind…a ‘no brainer’, in every sense :))
I might mention here that symbols, even that of the heart, which when you draw it as we do, even look like two Fibonacci spirals joined together.
Twelfth Century Latin translation
When I entered into the cave, I received the tablet zaradi, which was inscribed, from between the hands of Hermes, in which I discovered these words:
“…..hand of Hermes,…..”
The Emerald Tablet is attributed to Hermes.
Hermes is a personification of Mercury. Throughout time there have been many personifications of Mercury….
The Tablet engraved in the hand of Hermes, directly references the core role of Mercury in shaping life. The plural, ‘hands’, reference the two directions of Mercury’s dynamic, clockwise and anticlockwise…. depicted as two wings, or two serpents on a caduceus…the dual nature of Life.
The Word of God, is the primordial language of Life. It could be perceived simply as the frequencies of Light that are emitted from the sun (son), or rather through the sun from A Great Central Sun ( Source)
Like an alphabet it evolves in Order. ‘Number’ is not a thing. You cannot have ‘1’, you have 1 of something. And it is not possible to take ‘2’ away, you must take 2 of something away. Number is ORDER.
Admittedly, number can have a quantitative value, and can also be both qualitative and contemplative. Number is Divine.
Mercury is the messenger, who ‘carries’ the word of God / the frequencies of Light throughout our solar system.
This is not a metaphoric idea. Mercury has a physical form. While current scientific instrumentation is unable to measurable define it, Mercury can be observed relativistically at this time. Mercury, atomic number 80 (periodic table) has 2 electrons in its outer shell which are highly reactive. These two electrons in addition have 2 ‘unseen’ electrons.
( Dr. Greta Zahar has spent her lifetime working tirelessly to share this incredible knowledge. Despite the lack of acknowledgement, her scientific research and practises have been proven for more than 40 years. I am forever grateful and humbled to know her and while I may not be able to express the science as Dr Zahar understands it, I hope that I have ‘found my own narrative’ as she has always asked of me. Anything I share is my own interpretation)
Consider any object, for example your hand…or a stone…you ‘see’ one side of it…turn it over, there is the other ‘side’. This is the unseen.
Now consider a Fibonacci spiral drawn on a transparent piece of paper, you can follow its path clockwise into the centre and also anticlockwise back out. Now turn the piece of paper over and the spiral is now spiralling in the mirror image of the initial side of paper. These are the two dynamics, clockwise and anticlockwise.
In addition, duality, can perhaps be explained by the terms ‘inner’ and outer’. Even if you were to make a shape with your bare hands, within that shape, despite you holding no object, there is something…..
Within each waveform, there is another, only unseen. These two waves, with their two dynamics comprise the 4 directions.
4 electrons of Mercury, 4 sides of a square, the base…the foundation, measure and movement, function and dynamic. ……Divine Simplicity.
The ‘hidden chamber’ or the ‘cave’ mentioned in these introductory comments refers to the heart. The human heart, with its four chambers. These Mercury electrons, which I refer to as ‘the Energy of Mercury’ (sometimes just Mercury for short) are the catalytic power in every atomic reaction, every relationship…and they are present everywhere..and nowhere (unseen)…
At present science does not differentiate the quality of electrons, and assigns all electrons the same form and dynamic. I have perhaps suggested enough crazy ideas, so I will mention only briefly that the electrons of Mercury alone, have 13 different wavelengths and 20 different functions. This is the 13:20 matrix of the Tzolkin.
Blood contains iron. Iron is the only element on the periodic table that does not react with Mercury, thereby ‘freeing’ up this powerful catalytic energy, to flow through our hearts. Our hearts are so amazing, their transformative power is core, our inner compass quite literally. 4 chambers, 4 directions.
…now imagine…wrong word! ….we cannot conceive with our minds that which we have had no experience… make the S5 and feel……in your heart the potential peace, as that is where it emerges from…..our hearts are the organ that is most capable of balancing this energy, not so much in terms of equal amounts, rather Divinely Proportionality…..
(S5 is a unique embodied practise facilitating exactly this….no mind…a ‘no brainer’, in every sense :))
I might mention here that symbols, even that of the heart, which when you draw it as we do, even look like two Fibonacci spirals joined together.
However the heart is both function and dynamic, tearing out a heart is counterintuitive, without the dynamic the form has no life….the same applies for blood.
Form on its own is a like a symbol. When we assign meaning to a symbol we often overly identify with the symbol rather than with that which it represents. And as like the description of the building above it has no function or power without the expression, without the dynamic flowing through it. much for my brief comments! I am trying to keep it super brief and simple, merely offering a seed for your own exploration and perception.
There is one other aspect I’d like to mention here. This creative catalytic energy cannot be ‘controlled’ or determined. Within the simplicity is a complexity beyond our knowing. Return to the image of the Fibonacci spiral and imagine 130 points along its path. At each of these points there is another Fibonacci spiral, 360 Fibonacci spirals intersect at each of the 130 points on that single spiral…and on each of those 360 another 360…repeating infinitely..…..this is the fractal, holographic nature of life.
We can though follow this Divine Order, mentally and physically.
I can only imagine, although there appears to be adequate evidence, that humans at some time in a not so distance past once knew and followed with awareness these 4 directions of the catalytic mercurial energy, perhaps in a world where feelings were as revered as intellect…..
Form on its own is a like a symbol. When we assign meaning to a symbol we often overly identify with the symbol rather than with that which it represents. And as like the description of the building above it has no function or power without the expression, without the dynamic flowing through it. much for my brief comments! I am trying to keep it super brief and simple, merely offering a seed for your own exploration and perception.
There is one other aspect I’d like to mention here. This creative catalytic energy cannot be ‘controlled’ or determined. Within the simplicity is a complexity beyond our knowing. Return to the image of the Fibonacci spiral and imagine 130 points along its path. At each of these points there is another Fibonacci spiral, 360 Fibonacci spirals intersect at each of the 130 points on that single spiral…and on each of those 360 another 360…repeating infinitely..…..this is the fractal, holographic nature of life.
We can though follow this Divine Order, mentally and physically.
I can only imagine, although there appears to be adequate evidence, that humans at some time in a not so distance past once knew and followed with awareness these 4 directions of the catalytic mercurial energy, perhaps in a world where feelings were as revered as intellect…..
- “True, without falsehood, certain, most certain.”
- This is referring to NUMBER, THE ORDER OF NUMBER.
- The Order of number cannot be misinterpreted or mis understood.
- Number, the Order of Number does not change.
- IT is constant.
- Divine Order IS.
- The Word of God IS, True, beyond doubt.
- All is number. God is Number.
- The Tzolkin represents The Order of the catalytic energy of Creation.
- The Word Of God, expressed (spoken) by Mercury.
- 20 Archetypal function, 13 wavelengths
- The Tzolkin is comprised of 20 x 13 numbers ( within which are a further 100 numbers)
2) What is above is like what is below, and what is below is like that which is above. To make the miracle of the one thing.
The Horizon.
Illustrated when the unseen Fibonacci spiral is folded out. When a line is drawn between the two spirals, this is the ‘horizon’. One spiral is above and one is below the ‘horizon’.
One spiral clockwise, the other anticlockwise. These two are the ONE thing.
The waveform (each kin) emerges from the unseen, ‘below’ the horizon. …together they are ONE.
The numbers are different…but they are ONE and always add together to form the archetype DRAGON - kin ONE. The miracle of ONE.
The spiral above is a clockwise dynamic, the Kin number.
The spiral below is an anticlockwise dynamic, the Unseen Kin number.
3) And as all things were made from contemplation of one, so all things were born from one adaptation.
- All creation is from the ONE Source.
- Numbers increase or decrease “by” ONE
- The light/ energy emitted from the sun travels to earth in wavelengths.
- The most powerful of these waveforms is mercurial energy. Its’ wavelengths have an ORDER. Currently unrecognised and immeasurable, these waveforms are the Catalytic energy and the foundation of all Life, each aspect of creation, a fractal of, and unified by the Divine Order. (As expressed in number on the Tzolkin.
- The catalytic energy of mercury both shapes and moves Gods Word across the water. (Where there is water there will be mercurial energy. Also mercury exists in 4 states -solid, liquid, gas and Vapour.
- Mercurial electrons, seen and unseen catalyse and are at the core of all relationships; a constant dynamic exchange, clockwise and anticlockwise, spirally and twisting infinitely.
- There are 100 unseen kin numbers, while they ‘come’ out of the seen kin, they have a presence that is differentiated from the kin they emerge from.
- Eg Eve made from the rib of Adam.
The two luminaries ,Sun and Moon, represent the dual nature of the dynamic of Creation, both the form and the dynamic, the measure and the movement.
1. Clockwise / Anticlockwise.
That which emits light and that which absorbs it. Fission / fusion
2. Seen and Unseen / Inner and Outer
Showing the position / location of the kin numbers in terms of their dynamic, either clockwise or anti clockwise.
Position 1 and 3 are anticlockwise
Position 2 and 4 are clockwise
1. Clockwise / Anticlockwise.
That which emits light and that which absorbs it. Fission / fusion
2. Seen and Unseen / Inner and Outer
Showing the position / location of the kin numbers in terms of their dynamic, either clockwise or anti clockwise.
Position 1 and 3 are anticlockwise
Position 2 and 4 are clockwise
Both sides have an anticlockwise and clockwise aspect as one is hidden (occult) …it is that which is ‘behind’, spiralling as its’ mirror image.
Another way to visualise it could be as the double torus.
See image below.
Another way to visualise it could be as the double torus.
See image below.
5) The wind carried it in its womb, the earth breast fed it.
- Breathe (wind ) animates our form (earth)
- Wind is the movement, earth is the form.
- Dynamic and function as one.
- The Perfected Stone
- Creation is the Word of God (number) made manifest.
- Creation is the expression of God in form.
- Without Creation, God has no form and without God, Creation cannot exist.
- Gods ‘breath’ carried by the wings of Mercury manifests all matter of Creation.
- Comes from the unseen, the darkness below the horizon. Form there it manifests in the light, is nurtured
- The ‘Breath of God’, The Order of Creation, the Light, emerges every morning from the darkness of the night. ..sunrise…..returning in the evening, below the horizon…..sunset…. Divine Order is in All.
Perhaps 5 points are enough to encourage or inspire your own reflection?
While some of the above may appear completely crazy to some, I am not presenting them as truth, only another way….
….initiated by an incredible woman, Dr Gretha Zahar. Ibu, as I call her answered my constant questioning with either ‘you tell me’ , ’make experiment’ or find your own narrative’ an I am grateful beyond words for her responses,,that lead me to a door, that even in my wildest dreams I had never imagined. This door is in every body, and it is known through feeling…a tangible physical feeling that cannot be denied, even when it challenges everything we think we know.
For me, this is LORE, The Lore of Life, of Creation, of One, of the Uni verse. It is not ‘a New Order’ It IS, and always has been and always will be.
Every ancient culture knew this. Architecturally, symbolically, socially, geographically etc etc…..alchemy, science, religion, art, agriculture….etc etc ….it is in ‘plain view’ only much ‘unseen’, not hidden, only that new ways of perceiving that which IS, opens to new ways of being….present in every moment, present in every BODY.
To give one example. Consider the ‘seas’ of mercury beneath many ancient temples, the use of cinnabar (the ore mercury is mined from) and ochre (representative of mercury) used ceremonially….this is a direct reference to the catalytic energy of All. The Word of God, The Messenger, The Way. The Path…..
When and why it was forgotten, is not a helpful question, nor is it important.
Every moment spent questioning, and trying to figure it out, is a moment spent doubting.
Doubting that which is your own inner strength, as this catalytic energy is that which animates your being.
Trust, faith and allowing opens paths and allows Creation to flow ‘through’ you, an ever dynamic and harmonic presence. …
So ask how? How can we develop our relationship with this Lore and experience harmony and at - one - ment.?
S5 made on the cycles of the 13:20 matrix of the Tzolkin is one way that I am aware of, one way I have had the blessing of experiencing.
While some of the above may appear completely crazy to some, I am not presenting them as truth, only another way….
….initiated by an incredible woman, Dr Gretha Zahar. Ibu, as I call her answered my constant questioning with either ‘you tell me’ , ’make experiment’ or find your own narrative’ an I am grateful beyond words for her responses,,that lead me to a door, that even in my wildest dreams I had never imagined. This door is in every body, and it is known through feeling…a tangible physical feeling that cannot be denied, even when it challenges everything we think we know.
For me, this is LORE, The Lore of Life, of Creation, of One, of the Uni verse. It is not ‘a New Order’ It IS, and always has been and always will be.
Every ancient culture knew this. Architecturally, symbolically, socially, geographically etc etc…..alchemy, science, religion, art, agriculture….etc etc ….it is in ‘plain view’ only much ‘unseen’, not hidden, only that new ways of perceiving that which IS, opens to new ways of being….present in every moment, present in every BODY.
To give one example. Consider the ‘seas’ of mercury beneath many ancient temples, the use of cinnabar (the ore mercury is mined from) and ochre (representative of mercury) used ceremonially….this is a direct reference to the catalytic energy of All. The Word of God, The Messenger, The Way. The Path…..
When and why it was forgotten, is not a helpful question, nor is it important.
Every moment spent questioning, and trying to figure it out, is a moment spent doubting.
Doubting that which is your own inner strength, as this catalytic energy is that which animates your being.
Trust, faith and allowing opens paths and allows Creation to flow ‘through’ you, an ever dynamic and harmonic presence. …
So ask how? How can we develop our relationship with this Lore and experience harmony and at - one - ment.?
S5 made on the cycles of the 13:20 matrix of the Tzolkin is one way that I am aware of, one way I have had the blessing of experiencing.
in summary
Please make S5 and you will know and together we will see…..what, I do not know, although we will never know unless and unless we, as vessels, explore the oceans....