Following an individual ORDER.
There is One Order, One Way. Although, there are as many paths of the One Way,
as many threads on the Loom of Creation, as there are individuals.
We all have our own unique way of following the Order.
The practise of following an individual order, as well as maintaining awareness of the collective order,
is a beautiful example of ‘a’ way to experience this…..
It also illustrates how ‘Number’, the harmonic Order of the Tzolkin, is the foundation of everything….and while this way, that of an individual order, is a lens through which many ideas could be suggested, I have chosen one:
the phrase ‘In Lakesh’ which has numerous ‘culturally relative’ variations throughout world, Namaste, Mitakuye Oyasin, …
as many threads on the Loom of Creation, as there are individuals.
We all have our own unique way of following the Order.
The practise of following an individual order, as well as maintaining awareness of the collective order,
is a beautiful example of ‘a’ way to experience this…..
It also illustrates how ‘Number’, the harmonic Order of the Tzolkin, is the foundation of everything….and while this way, that of an individual order, is a lens through which many ideas could be suggested, I have chosen one:
the phrase ‘In Lakesh’ which has numerous ‘culturally relative’ variations throughout world, Namaste, Mitakuye Oyasin, …
What do I mean by an individual Order?
And how can there be infinite ‘ways’ of this One Way?
Every living being has their own unique way or path of this One Order, that the Tzolkin represents.
Perhaps consider the definition given to a fractal by Mandelbrot.
A fractal is a shape made of parts similar to the whole in some way, or, of parts that display a degree of self similarity.
This is the same as Creation.
All Creation is based on the one Order, the 13:20 matrix that the Tzolkin represents.
Whether it be human; for example protein chains, DNA, the skeletal system, or your mind,
or whether it be ‘external’ to your body, the environment, the days and nights, the seasons or the cosmos, the planets, sun or moon…..
All is determined by the same order and all is inherently connected.
Perhaps consider the definition given to a fractal by Mandelbrot.
A fractal is a shape made of parts similar to the whole in some way, or, of parts that display a degree of self similarity.
This is the same as Creation.
All Creation is based on the one Order, the 13:20 matrix that the Tzolkin represents.
Whether it be human; for example protein chains, DNA, the skeletal system, or your mind,
or whether it be ‘external’ to your body, the environment, the days and nights, the seasons or the cosmos, the planets, sun or moon…..
All is determined by the same order and all is inherently connected.
The whole is within the part and the parts are within the whole.
A group of people, may choose to follow The Order as a collective
for the purpose of ordering that particular group of individuals, for example a society.
The individuals within that group also have an individual order,
which is merely a fractal of the whole, of the One
and this is what I refer to as an individual order.
Imagine a path with stepping stones numbered 1 - 260.
Collectively we walk this path together,
each day we take a step and the order increases by one each day.
One stepping stone, one kin number, each day.
When a human is born, they commence their life on a particular day,
a particular ‘stepping stone’ of the path followed by that of the group the individual is born into.
The number of that stepping stone is the Kin number assigned to the person born
and it identifies that individual in relation to the group.
For the individual the day they are born is their first step,
the first day of their individual path.
For them, their individual order begins the day they were born.
That first step for them is Kin 1.
Everyone has this individual path
that can be followed in tandem to that of the group,
or the ‘collective’ as I often refer to it as.
for the purpose of ordering that particular group of individuals, for example a society.
The individuals within that group also have an individual order,
which is merely a fractal of the whole, of the One
and this is what I refer to as an individual order.
Imagine a path with stepping stones numbered 1 - 260.
Collectively we walk this path together,
each day we take a step and the order increases by one each day.
One stepping stone, one kin number, each day.
When a human is born, they commence their life on a particular day,
a particular ‘stepping stone’ of the path followed by that of the group the individual is born into.
The number of that stepping stone is the Kin number assigned to the person born
and it identifies that individual in relation to the group.
For the individual the day they are born is their first step,
the first day of their individual path.
For them, their individual order begins the day they were born.
That first step for them is Kin 1.
Everyone has this individual path
that can be followed in tandem to that of the group,
or the ‘collective’ as I often refer to it as.
to illustrate....
Further below is a complete pdf chart of 260 kin to illustrate.
The collective Order is on the left hand side.
Next to that column, several kin numbers ( 7, 89, 92, 165, 168, 175, 186, 210, 217)
listed in their individual order.
Please draw up your own to see for yourself.
There are two ways to approach this; either
1 - place kin 1 of the individual next to the collective kin number of that person
2. Next to the collective kin 1, place the individual occult kin +1.
Here are a few examples
that perhaps could be considered a numeric translation
of the many traditional phrases of acknowledgement around the world………
“I am you, and you are me.”
“I am another yourself”
“I bow to you”
“The light in me honours the light in you”
“We are all related”
The collective Order is on the left hand side.
Next to that column, several kin numbers ( 7, 89, 92, 165, 168, 175, 186, 210, 217)
listed in their individual order.
Please draw up your own to see for yourself.
There are two ways to approach this; either
1 - place kin 1 of the individual next to the collective kin number of that person
2. Next to the collective kin 1, place the individual occult kin +1.
Here are a few examples
that perhaps could be considered a numeric translation
of the many traditional phrases of acknowledgement around the world………
“I am you, and you are me.”
“I am another yourself”
“I bow to you”
“The light in me honours the light in you”
“We are all related”
It could not be simpler.
When any person ‘is’ a particular kin,
every other person who ‘is’ that kin
will ‘be’ that persons kin at that same time.
When any person ‘is’ a particular kin,
every other person who ‘is’ that kin
will ‘be’ that persons kin at that same time.
S5 is a practise that expands awareness
and opens to new ways of perceiving that which already exists.
It does not judge one way or the other as right or wrong.
It does not quantify, one person as being more evolved or awake,
no one is contributing to the evolution of humanity more than another.
And it does not ‘fix’ anything.
All is already perfectly in order.
Co creation is an attunement of who we are,
rather than what we do or what we ‘think’ right.
Oneness, Unity, is a collective response-ability.
Each and every human is Divine and is as vital as another.
When we divide and blame or punish and hate,
those that we perceive (judge) to be wrong, evil or inferior,
we continue to perpetrate disharmony.
There is no right or wrong, there are no winners or losers,
Unity is Oneness.
This is not totally insane
as at the individual ‘fractal’, many people will be familiar of the notion
of making peace with aspects of themselves that they judge or deny
and that with acceptance, wholeness and peace evolves.
…or perhaps the practise of forgiveness is another way of considering it.
And as forgiveness is ultimately self -forgiveness,
openness and allowing are two words I often use in relation to the practise of S5,
as they remind me of association with the Order and water…flowing…..,
The Way, to which we may attune ourselves.
The simplicity of S5 as a practise conceals its potential
to facilitate attunement, non attachment, harmonic flow and harmonic being, harmonic evolution.
There is One Order, One Way,
although there are as many paths of the one way, as there are individuals.
We all have our own unique way of following the Order.
and opens to new ways of perceiving that which already exists.
It does not judge one way or the other as right or wrong.
It does not quantify, one person as being more evolved or awake,
no one is contributing to the evolution of humanity more than another.
And it does not ‘fix’ anything.
All is already perfectly in order.
Co creation is an attunement of who we are,
rather than what we do or what we ‘think’ right.
Oneness, Unity, is a collective response-ability.
Each and every human is Divine and is as vital as another.
When we divide and blame or punish and hate,
those that we perceive (judge) to be wrong, evil or inferior,
we continue to perpetrate disharmony.
There is no right or wrong, there are no winners or losers,
Unity is Oneness.
This is not totally insane
as at the individual ‘fractal’, many people will be familiar of the notion
of making peace with aspects of themselves that they judge or deny
and that with acceptance, wholeness and peace evolves.
…or perhaps the practise of forgiveness is another way of considering it.
And as forgiveness is ultimately self -forgiveness,
openness and allowing are two words I often use in relation to the practise of S5,
as they remind me of association with the Order and water…flowing…..,
The Way, to which we may attune ourselves.
The simplicity of S5 as a practise conceals its potential
to facilitate attunement, non attachment, harmonic flow and harmonic being, harmonic evolution.
There is One Order, One Way,
although there are as many paths of the one way, as there are individuals.
We all have our own unique way of following the Order.
I might add an additional comment….
I follow the 13:20 Dreamspell.
At a particular time when the count was at 217, I was born.
In other words I joined the ‘collective path’ when 217 was the number of the stepping stone of 'that path'.
My Kin number is 217.
If I were following the Long Count,
I would be identified as 2 Eztnab,
as that was the stepping stone those who follow the Long Count were on when I was born.
Neither is more right than the other.
The Long Count and the Dreamspell are two paths of The One....
within each are infinite others....
They are both based on the Tzolkin and its 260 order..
I have chosen to follow the Dreamspell.
My Kin (number) is not me.
My kin identifies me in relation to a group.
How I am perceived by that group will be relative to them, their ‘way’.
I follow the 13:20 Dreamspell.
At a particular time when the count was at 217, I was born.
In other words I joined the ‘collective path’ when 217 was the number of the stepping stone of 'that path'.
My Kin number is 217.
If I were following the Long Count,
I would be identified as 2 Eztnab,
as that was the stepping stone those who follow the Long Count were on when I was born.
Neither is more right than the other.
The Long Count and the Dreamspell are two paths of The One....
within each are infinite others....
They are both based on the Tzolkin and its 260 order..
I have chosen to follow the Dreamspell.
My Kin (number) is not me.
My kin identifies me in relation to a group.
How I am perceived by that group will be relative to them, their ‘way’.
table with examples of individual orders | |
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