There are 2 aspects to this website.
An awareness - The dual nature of the 20 functions and the 4 numbers of each Kin of the Tzolkin.
These 4 numbers are DEGREES of “Mercurial Energy”.
The degree of both the SHAPE through which the energy moves, and the DYNAMIC with which the energy moves.
The Tzolkin is the ‘ORDER’ of the Energy of Mercury….present in all relationships…. constant change, systemic and relative to All…...THE ORDER OF CREATION, ever Now.
A practice - S5 - a self participatory practice that facilitates attunement with the Order of Creation.
An awareness - The dual nature of the 20 functions and the 4 numbers of each Kin of the Tzolkin.
These 4 numbers are DEGREES of “Mercurial Energy”.
The degree of both the SHAPE through which the energy moves, and the DYNAMIC with which the energy moves.
The Tzolkin is the ‘ORDER’ of the Energy of Mercury….present in all relationships…. constant change, systemic and relative to All…...THE ORDER OF CREATION, ever Now.
A practice - S5 - a self participatory practice that facilitates attunement with the Order of Creation.
Over the previous 13 years, the comments I receive as feedback, either directly or indirectly, include at least one of the following 3 responses.
- Oh that is connected to the Mayan Calendar, or, The Dreamspell, and I’m not interested.
- OMG!!! all those numbers, it’s way too complicated for me.
- What’s the point of S5?
I’d like to try an address those 3 responses.
1. Oh that is connected to the Mayan Calendar and / or The Dreamspell
and I’m not interested.
Yes, the Tzolkin is the foundation of many Mayan calendar systems. And yes, our collective association and academic analysis is intimately connected to the Mayan culture, a people and a place that have thankfully preserved its’ dynamic presence and continue to daily honour and follow its’ Order….as do many others globally who follow the 13:20 Dreamspell initiated by Jose and Lloydine Argüelles.
The Tzolkin though, with its grid of 13 x 20 numbers and 4 colours is Universal, both in relevance and application.
The Tzolkin though, with its grid of 13 x 20 numbers and 4 colours is Universal, both in relevance and application.
The Order it represents as number, was once globally recognised,
honoured and followed as the foundational principal of all life
by all cultures in many different ways.
The Tzolkin is relevant to all beings.
While The Tzolkin is of Mayan origin and deeply connected to the Mayan culture,
what the Tzolkin symbolises is not Mayan in origin nor unique to their culture alone.
The Tzolkin is relevant to every single human being.
There is a difference between the...
symbol and symbolised
messenger and message
Consider the images below in relation to the relevance of the Tzolkin and your own physical body.
honoured and followed as the foundational principal of all life
by all cultures in many different ways.
The Tzolkin is relevant to all beings.
While The Tzolkin is of Mayan origin and deeply connected to the Mayan culture,
what the Tzolkin symbolises is not Mayan in origin nor unique to their culture alone.
The Tzolkin is relevant to every single human being.
There is a difference between the...
symbol and symbolised
messenger and message
Consider the images below in relation to the relevance of the Tzolkin and your own physical body.
All life is ordered by what these numbers represent and that includes the environment, our societies and our bodies…
3 ‘topics’ that are currently causing extreme division and disharmony on earth at the moment.
The ‘solutions’ are divided too, polarised to an extreme never before witnessed globally as now;
right / wrong, good / bad, higher / lower, awake / asleep, true / false……
Perhaps consider the Tzolkin as a path…..
the way of Oneness, a peaceful way….to a place we may never "know",
although all-ways being at peace,
resonating harmonically,
as 'It' and we evolve….
Harmonic Creation always evolving, ever present…the power of Now.
The Tzolkin is in everything, look for it in your field of interest:
Biology - the human body 20 amino acids, proteins, codons, DNA
Astrology - the 360 degrees align with the 360 degrees of the astrological cycle.
Each ‘layer’ a Divine Trinity…a ‘mirror’ of infinite ‘reflection’…..
The Pleiades - ORION - Sirius
Moon - EARTH - Sun
Mind - HEART - Body
Agriculture - the 4 elements, 4 seasons; Initiating, Refining, Transforming, Flowering.
Science - The foundation is ‘Ordered’ constant change.
Seen & Unseen, ‘Relatively’ measurable though indefinable, dynamic and systemic ~ constantly transforming,
Archeology - measurements and design of Ancient sites, eg: the degrees of the pyramids at Giza, the placement and shape of openings and tunnels. The lakes of mercury under countless Ancient temples. Cinnabar….ochre….. crystals and ceremonial artefacts….
….the scope is so immense, look for the harmony, the Divineness that exists in every thing and every moment.
Our participatory presence, and individual perceptions, ‘are’ both relative and integral to the whole.
We do not create peace, we ‘are’ peace,
co creation relative all ways to our individual environment.
As ripples on a pond, our bodies, our minds, our homes, our communities, the earth, the solar system, the galaxies……..
infinite beyond our knowing.
We need not understand,…..we could not possibly assume to understand that which is infinite and indefinable……
we may though follow Its’ Order and observe It’s magic…
It is present always. Find your way to follow the Order, a way relative to and achievable for you…..
if the numbers seem too confusing, may be just look at them on a daily basis or perhaps focus on the colours each day….
simply making association with things you notice…make it simple…..
allow your own curiosity to guide your awareness.
Following the Tzolkin is a PRACTICE….
a constant dynamic practice relative to you and your environment, locally, globally, galactic-ally, as all is connected.
The practice is not about understanding, or knowing, it is about following.
Following your path, feeling and attuning.
Attuning to Divine Order, harmonic and peaceful evolution.
Following the Tzolkin is a self participatory practice,
a way of being resonant with, what some may call, Love? God? The Dreamtime? The Galactic Maya…..’the Galactic Illusion’.
This is co - creation and we are all response-able.
Each and everyone one of us,
no one more vital than another is response-able for the disharmony or harmony that we experience, individually or collectively.
Our perception is directly related to how we experience life.
How our minds interpret the sensory stimulation of what we choose to ‘look at’ is uniquely individual.
Together our individual ‘illusions’ are constantly creating an individual and a collective reality.
Following the Order of the Tzolkin daily, is a practice.
A practice that supports us to become aware of the harmony and abundance that exists in our lives, our world.
The practice trains our minds to attune to that which is harmonic.
It encourages our minds to look for and find harmony and balance,
informing our perceptions, informing the ‘illusion’, informing the ‘dream’.
The practice of S5 is an embodiment of this Harmonic Order
and I cannot over emphasise its’ importance.
We are not able to conceive that which we have had no experience of,
we cannot imagine with our minds that which we have not experienced.
Admittedly, it may appear too simple a solution to even be considered for such complex disturbances,
although water is a physical / tangible way to embody the Order,
in - forming your being, your environment.…
Perhaps consider a pebble thrown into a pond,
the ripples expanding in perfect symmetry.
There is no right or wrong, left or right, higher or lower ‘part’ of the ripple, the ripple is One,
the polarity of ‘sides’, create wholeness,
S5 is perhaps a solution….?
I don’t know, although it is so easy and inexpensive, perhaps it is a practice worth trying?
It has been my experience for more than 10 years now....and many others...
The information on this website does not belong to anyone,
it is shared that it may be shared … as a ripple in a pond…
The information on S5 is a single page pdf document,
it may be printed or a screen shot may be taken that is easily sent as an image in a text or email…..
Similar in many ways to the distribution of packets of seeds,
whether they be planted, how they will grow, what fruits will be produced, I do not know.
I can only know of my own experience.
The words I use to describe my experience or observations are my truth, not yours.
My ideas or stories are information external to you, the seed of S5, grows from within, within you,
All is within.
3 ‘topics’ that are currently causing extreme division and disharmony on earth at the moment.
The ‘solutions’ are divided too, polarised to an extreme never before witnessed globally as now;
right / wrong, good / bad, higher / lower, awake / asleep, true / false……
Perhaps consider the Tzolkin as a path…..
the way of Oneness, a peaceful way….to a place we may never "know",
although all-ways being at peace,
resonating harmonically,
as 'It' and we evolve….
Harmonic Creation always evolving, ever present…the power of Now.
The Tzolkin is in everything, look for it in your field of interest:
Biology - the human body 20 amino acids, proteins, codons, DNA
Astrology - the 360 degrees align with the 360 degrees of the astrological cycle.
Each ‘layer’ a Divine Trinity…a ‘mirror’ of infinite ‘reflection’…..
The Pleiades - ORION - Sirius
Moon - EARTH - Sun
Mind - HEART - Body
Agriculture - the 4 elements, 4 seasons; Initiating, Refining, Transforming, Flowering.
Science - The foundation is ‘Ordered’ constant change.
Seen & Unseen, ‘Relatively’ measurable though indefinable, dynamic and systemic ~ constantly transforming,
Archeology - measurements and design of Ancient sites, eg: the degrees of the pyramids at Giza, the placement and shape of openings and tunnels. The lakes of mercury under countless Ancient temples. Cinnabar….ochre….. crystals and ceremonial artefacts….
….the scope is so immense, look for the harmony, the Divineness that exists in every thing and every moment.
Our participatory presence, and individual perceptions, ‘are’ both relative and integral to the whole.
We do not create peace, we ‘are’ peace,
co creation relative all ways to our individual environment.
As ripples on a pond, our bodies, our minds, our homes, our communities, the earth, the solar system, the galaxies……..
infinite beyond our knowing.
We need not understand,…..we could not possibly assume to understand that which is infinite and indefinable……
we may though follow Its’ Order and observe It’s magic…
It is present always. Find your way to follow the Order, a way relative to and achievable for you…..
if the numbers seem too confusing, may be just look at them on a daily basis or perhaps focus on the colours each day….
simply making association with things you notice…make it simple…..
allow your own curiosity to guide your awareness.
Following the Tzolkin is a PRACTICE….
a constant dynamic practice relative to you and your environment, locally, globally, galactic-ally, as all is connected.
The practice is not about understanding, or knowing, it is about following.
Following your path, feeling and attuning.
Attuning to Divine Order, harmonic and peaceful evolution.
Following the Tzolkin is a self participatory practice,
a way of being resonant with, what some may call, Love? God? The Dreamtime? The Galactic Maya…..’the Galactic Illusion’.
This is co - creation and we are all response-able.
Each and everyone one of us,
no one more vital than another is response-able for the disharmony or harmony that we experience, individually or collectively.
Our perception is directly related to how we experience life.
How our minds interpret the sensory stimulation of what we choose to ‘look at’ is uniquely individual.
Together our individual ‘illusions’ are constantly creating an individual and a collective reality.
Following the Order of the Tzolkin daily, is a practice.
A practice that supports us to become aware of the harmony and abundance that exists in our lives, our world.
The practice trains our minds to attune to that which is harmonic.
It encourages our minds to look for and find harmony and balance,
informing our perceptions, informing the ‘illusion’, informing the ‘dream’.
The practice of S5 is an embodiment of this Harmonic Order
and I cannot over emphasise its’ importance.
We are not able to conceive that which we have had no experience of,
we cannot imagine with our minds that which we have not experienced.
Admittedly, it may appear too simple a solution to even be considered for such complex disturbances,
although water is a physical / tangible way to embody the Order,
in - forming your being, your environment.…
Perhaps consider a pebble thrown into a pond,
the ripples expanding in perfect symmetry.
There is no right or wrong, left or right, higher or lower ‘part’ of the ripple, the ripple is One,
the polarity of ‘sides’, create wholeness,
S5 is perhaps a solution….?
I don’t know, although it is so easy and inexpensive, perhaps it is a practice worth trying?
It has been my experience for more than 10 years now....and many others...
The information on this website does not belong to anyone,
it is shared that it may be shared … as a ripple in a pond…
The information on S5 is a single page pdf document,
it may be printed or a screen shot may be taken that is easily sent as an image in a text or email…..
Similar in many ways to the distribution of packets of seeds,
whether they be planted, how they will grow, what fruits will be produced, I do not know.
I can only know of my own experience.
The words I use to describe my experience or observations are my truth, not yours.
My ideas or stories are information external to you, the seed of S5, grows from within, within you,
All is within.
2. OMG, all those numbers, it’s way to complicated for me.
Simply….if you can count to 20 you can follow the Order.
The Tzolkin is not mathematics, the Tzolkin is number, number as ORDER.
Imagine counting your steps as you walk, 1 to 20, if you do that 13 times you will have counted 260 steps… is that simple.
One step a day, 260 days and begin again at 1… 260, 1….. to 260.
This is not maths, there is nothing new to learn.
The 3 words associated with each expression and function are given as keys to your own understanding.
No one can tell you what they mean, all is RELATIVE to you.
Every being is individual, with a unique relationship to everything, there is no ‘one size fits all’, one ‘truth’ or one ‘way’….
there is ORDER
.... there are infinite ways to follow it,
...infinite ways to allow it to guide our being.
Each time a certain function, for example appears on the path….it may even have a different meaning for you,
relative to you at that time…..
your practice, your following is your way and informs your participatory presence in life.
This is co creation, this is our responsibility.
We are not victims…
we are made in this image….
this is not maths……
number is Order,
and simple to follow.
The Tzolkin is not mathematics, the Tzolkin is number, number as ORDER.
Imagine counting your steps as you walk, 1 to 20, if you do that 13 times you will have counted 260 steps… is that simple.
One step a day, 260 days and begin again at 1… 260, 1….. to 260.
This is not maths, there is nothing new to learn.
The 3 words associated with each expression and function are given as keys to your own understanding.
No one can tell you what they mean, all is RELATIVE to you.
Every being is individual, with a unique relationship to everything, there is no ‘one size fits all’, one ‘truth’ or one ‘way’….
there is ORDER
.... there are infinite ways to follow it,
...infinite ways to allow it to guide our being.
Each time a certain function, for example appears on the path….it may even have a different meaning for you,
relative to you at that time…..
your practice, your following is your way and informs your participatory presence in life.
This is co creation, this is our responsibility.
We are not victims…
we are made in this image….
this is not maths……
number is Order,
and simple to follow.
3. what is the point of S5?
There is the sense that there is no destination.
S5 is a practise, a practise of constant atomic / molecular attunement to constant change.
Rather than what you do, or what resources you have,
peace is an experience, a presence, a being-ness
this harmonic beingness is facilitated by attunment
to Universal Order
All analysing and theorising is on account of a desire to know and ‘control’, to feel safe or to manipulate….
the practise of S5 is a practise of being
that cannot be given to anyone,
nor can you tell anyone what it means.
There are infinite ways of the One Way, the One Order.
None more perfect than another, there is no judgement.
Our experiences and our responses are individual and unique.
Collectively we weave a Divine Web, a Divine Net, a Divine Fabric, of individual expression.
It does not matter what we ‘do’, only how we are being as we are ‘doing' it.
Our individual lives are individual expressions of being creation in every moment.
Our lives are the prayer we offer.
Our bodies are the temple,
the place where we receive Gods Word and from where we offer ourselves as prayer,
feeling blessed for the opportunity of life…
to allow our own perfect and individual expression to flow through us.
No one can tell us how,
no one can tell us what,
we can only know ourselves, self generative, self reflective, dissolving as a drop in the ocean.
We do not think life,
we feel life,
feeling to know….
.water is the perfect medium…..
S5 is a Divine Solution.
Volumes could be written,
the metaphoric connections, the physical, the legal/law, the spiritual…..
all the things that I once thought important to share
I now realise are not supportive,
not supportive of the very thing I am intending to share….
an awareness and a practise,
empowering self knowing, self generation....
unified by the One Order,
individual threads
Theorising and analysing keep us thinking,
keep the attention in our minds.
We have come to believe if we put in the effort and spend enough time,
‘we will’ work it out, ‘we will’ know, ‘we will’ understand, ‘we will’ solve problems.
Although it is our bodies that inform our minds,
and at our core,
our hearts connect the two; body and mind, openly and freely allowing the WILL of God.
We cannot change our mindset, with our minds,
as they are the very same minds that have created the illusion of perceiving a problem, a lack, a threat…..
the minds that judge right and wrong, good and bad.
Theorising and analysing may offer us new perspectives to see that which we know of,
although it cannot offer new ways of being.
S5…. Is a practice…..not a ‘thing’;
a way to embody the catalytic Energy of Mercury,
the Order of Creation, as represented by the Tzolkin.
I am not a scientist, and given what I have written above,
I do not want to try and explain S5,
although I will share a very simple ‘story’ that may support an awareness as you embody S5.
Imagine….the sun send packets of energy.
These packets increasingly have greater amounts of smaller wavelengths.
These smaller wavelengths are the ones that ‘activate’ the Energy of Mercury.
Sometimes referred to as the ‘solar transformation’,
the sun is gifting us and ever increasing presence of Mercurial Energy,
the very energy that catalyses Creation.
So much so and so fast now that we are struggling to adapt to its presence.
This is our challenge, and our strength, to find ways to harmonise this energy.
The Energy of Mercury is always in water.
S5 absorbs a full spectrum, a full cycle of this energy, the freezing process harmonises it.
When you embody it, like a pebble in a pond it sends ripples through your body,
in Divine Proportion.
The practice is dynamic,
each time you make S5, the energy is new,
the Order increases, it is more dominant so to speak
and will overpower the previous....
so that the water in your body is constantly adapting, and resonating harmonically.
Make it…use it….again and again…..
S5 is not a thing, it is a practice.
Body informing mind.
And the heart?
Blood contains Iron. Iron is an element that does not readily react with Mercury.
The heart, with its 4 chambers, is the location
where there is the greatest potential to transform the Energy of Mercury so that it becomes harmonic.
The heart initiates and transforms life as Mercurial energy flows through it.
Harmonic presence occurs where there is Divine Proportion.
The Energy Mercury is dual in nature, the Kin of the Tzolkin are dual in nature. Awareness is the seed.
I did not make the 4 kin numbers up,
I embodied S5 and it has informed me as it will any, and every, body in their own unique way.
Everything evolves,
everything, seen and unseen changes dynamically in every moment,
our way of thinking must change too…
we must adapt…..
must evolve……
in tune with Divine Order.
Harmonic Creation, Harmonic Evolution,
is founded on a constant dynamic,
constant change
the Tzolkin represents the Order,
The Way,
The Path.
For me S5 is an experience beyond any other of which I am grateful.
I do not make S5, I have a practice,
and that practice, S5, informs me,
who I am in every moment.
S5 is a constant, dynamically evolving experience
and I am always adapting the way I make it and use it….
the science, the process, based on the Tzolkin,
the order of the catalytic Energy of Mercury in water,
remains constant though.
Water in the sun for a duration of a Tzolkin cycle, freeze 3 days and use.
Allow the ‘messenger’ to inform the water, with awareness…. without expectation.
I cannot tell anyone exactly what that practise will be for them
or what it may facilitate for them.
Anything I write is merely a sharing of my experience
and I often hesitate,
as I would not wish to create any expectations, limit the potential or preempt any judgement
in relation to your own experience.
All is relative and the degree of your self participatory presence
with your practice will inform your own experience.
The practice is not about gaining, nor about fixing or improving anything.
The practice is a potential blissful presence, ‘at -one-ment’ with the Order of Creation
as It evolves, cycle after cycle after cycle.
Joseph Campbell wrote of bliss ….and it comes to mind at the moment…
“If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you. And the life that you ought to be living, is the one you are living. Wherever you are, if you are following your bliss, you are enjoying that refreshment, that life within you, all the time………and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”
The only other moment in my life when I have felt a similar bliss was when giving birth.
‘Being’ a vessel through which life emerges, as a child is born, is a life experience we collectively acknowledge.
From the dark and unseen womb, new life manifests in tangible form,
independent, though intimately connected as a thread, on a loom, a web or net in ways unimaginable
and perhaps never known.
Following the 4 Kin Tzolkin is the same,
only with an ‘expanded’ awareness,
as IT, the Order of The Tzolkin, births everything,
All life.
Mercury is the catalytic energy of all relationships, tangible and intangible.
To follow the Tzolkin, mind and body, is to recognise the potential of birth in every moment,
in every relationship, in every experience, to know It through feeling.
A feeling so intense that it cannot be denied, nor can it cannot be doubted.
Trust, faith and gratitude are symptoms of your own presence with IT.
Feelings though, cannot be defined or packaged or shared with another……
nor is it possible to tell someone what to do to achieve the same feeling,
as all is relative, and dynamically systemic……
so instead I share the practice that facilitates that experience for me.
I am an everyday human, like anyone else, we all are…..
and I can / have experienced moments when I choose not to participate.
There are moments when I allow and justify feelings of misery or frustration, which I can then
hold on to, ironically as a support, as something stable, that I can rely on when the world seems too confusing.
Choosing to cling to something, even if it feels awful,
as a way of making sense of the suffering witnessed or the pain felt?…..
What stupidity!
I thank Dr. Zahar for all the times she called me, (and herself too), stupid, as with practice, I am able to appreciate stupidity.
Humbly acknowledging and forgiving yourself for your own stupidity is like standing at a doorway,
open and eager for something new….
stupidity empowers forgiveness and facilitates an openness to allow something new to present…….
S5 is like that driver who beeps you when you are sitting at a red light so consumed in your thoughts
that you didn’t even notice it turn green….
only you have to pick it up and embody it.
Oh that is not so easy I hear people say.
You must work at that,
it’s a process you must embrace and struggle to overcome.
It takes time, commitment and effort to work things out, repair and restore harmony and peace…..
Does it really?
Or have we have bought into a system that feeds a vicious loop of insecurity and struggle.
Money, time and an external power, are all fictitious foundations, upon which we have collectively placed value and worthiness….
at the expense of simplicity,
at the expense of ourselves,
at the expense of an ever present Divine Order of Creation within all beings…..
S5 has no monetary value,
hardly ‘taxes’ your time
and its power comes from within you,
no external ‘idols’.
Imagine yourself holding a heavy stone in your hand…..
how long does it take to let go and witness it drop?……
it is instantaneous……
and the same could be applied to anything we hold to, only we do not believe it.
We have created an order, a world of our own making,
that feeds off our disempowerment, fearing loss, of money or status if it were to let go of it.
What if we all knew our own power?
What would our world look like each of us, unique and individual, realised our own innate capability of self generation and of self response-ability for all we experience,?
Consider the plethora of institutions and individuals that we turn to for help,
a reciprocal dependence perhaps we have created,
which increasingly masquerade as support for ways to find harmony and peace, either physically or mentally???
This is not to say there is no place or time for mutual support,
only that we have grown to rely and project authority and responsibility externally.
Adaptation and realignment do not require detoxification, destruction or even judgement.
Judgement divides duality as two separate parts,
one as right, the other as wrong,
one as black, the other as white.
Discernment recognises Oneness through the realisation of the dual nature of all creation
acknowledges duality as opposites that cannot exist separate from each other.
Two ways of perceiving the One thing.
Divine proportion exists, awareness and attunement are the Key.
The Order of the Tzolkin and the embodied practise of S5 are simple practices to empower harmonic self realisation.
Our individual presence, is a not separate from the whole,
we are all individual threads on the loom of Creation,
the harmony we seek begins within each and every one of us.
“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”, to borrow the phrase of June Jordon.
Imagine a vessel pouring water from above,
your hands are cupped, the water fills them and spills over,
its natural flow, interrupted by your hands….now spread your fingers, imagine the water now.
It runs through with more ease and the wider you open your fingers, the more freely it flows.
Do you, can you, recall which drop touched your skin...?
which drop was the one which felt cool, or sharp?
No, you cannot possibly dwell on such pointless analysis,
the drop is indistinguishable from all the others,
and the individual drops are indistinguishable from the flow…..
This is the experience of S5.
There is no expectation of consequence or result, there is no desire to alter the flow, to fix or to change, S5 is allowing…
S5 is experiencing a way of being that flows, experiencing life as it flows through our bodies, through ourselves as vessels.
S5 is a practice that supports at-one-ment with the flow,
with the Order of Creation,
with the impermanence and illusion of life.
New ways of thinking can only come from experience, from feeling.
Our perception is directly related to how our minds interpret sensory stimulation,
our individual perceptions are unique
and while they could be described as illusory,
they are very real to each of us.
Consider waking to a raining overcast day.
Would a farmer who for months had been experiencing drought conditions perceive this reality the same as the woman who for the same duration, has been intricately planing every detail of her outside wedding ceremony?
There is no one truth, no one way to perceive life,
each and every individual perceives and experiences life differently,
this is the Illusion of Life.
Alone though, the pictures we create,
the illusions we see,
are nothing without the feeling with which we experience them.
Our response, our relationship with that which we see,
gives life to the reality we experience.
Our ability to adapt and flow
and the degree of which we are aware,
present in each moment,
is a reflection of the thread we individually contribute to the whole.
A sharing of an
No thing more.
No thing more.