This entry is a perfect example of 'change' and how understanding is not an inert truth.....everything changes....all ways and always.
When I first began 'following' this observation several years ago,, I considered these 'differences' between the numbers as 'degrees of difference', although with practise I have come to perceive them rather as 'degrees of relativity'. While the numbers are the same, the way in which they are perceived is different, similar to a glass half full or half empty.
I could change this term throughout the presentation although I am content with the contradiction as it highlights how easily words can influence our perception. The term 'degree of difference' emphasises a difference... while the term 'degree of relativity' emphasises the connectivity.... they are the same, only 2 different ways of perceiving the relationship and any associated meaning.
To perceive duality as one is a core aspect of the practise ( the dual functions each day ) so , I will use both terms interchangeably.
When I first began 'following' this observation several years ago,, I considered these 'differences' between the numbers as 'degrees of difference', although with practise I have come to perceive them rather as 'degrees of relativity'. While the numbers are the same, the way in which they are perceived is different, similar to a glass half full or half empty.
I could change this term throughout the presentation although I am content with the contradiction as it highlights how easily words can influence our perception. The term 'degree of difference' emphasises a difference... while the term 'degree of relativity' emphasises the connectivity.... they are the same, only 2 different ways of perceiving the relationship and any associated meaning.
To perceive duality as one is a core aspect of the practise ( the dual functions each day ) so , I will use both terms interchangeably.
100º is what connects the two counts; 260º BELOW & 360º ABOVE, as they are ONE.
100º are the ‘unseen’ degrees within the Kin of the Tzolkin; Kin 261 - 360
100 is the kin / degree the sun rises in, or if not, changes to, on the first day of each
Year- July 26 ( at this time….)
The 100º are the degrees of the inner waveform
(Unseen degrees of an unseen waveform.)
100º is significant.
Below are tables which illustrate the 100º of relativity between both
expression 4 and 13 - the Self-existing and Cosmic expression
as well as
expression 9 and 13 - the Solar and Cosmic expression.
These are significant places in the order....
which can be seen from looking at the 'flat/ 2D' graph of the movement over a wavespell ( see below)
Also where there is 4, 5 exists...consider a crossroad, where the 2 roads, 4 arms meet at the centre, there is a 5th point. This location / point is not in addition....consider the 4 dot expressions 4 and 9 which move to 5 and 10. a line or a double line....similar to joining the dots.
100º is what connects the two counts; 260º BELOW & 360º ABOVE, as they are ONE.
100º are the ‘unseen’ degrees within the Kin of the Tzolkin; Kin 261 - 360
100 is the kin / degree the sun rises in, or if not, changes to, on the first day of each
Year- July 26 ( at this time….)
The 100º are the degrees of the inner waveform
(Unseen degrees of an unseen waveform.)
100º is significant.
Below are tables which illustrate the 100º of relativity between both
expression 4 and 13 - the Self-existing and Cosmic expression
as well as
expression 9 and 13 - the Solar and Cosmic expression.
These are significant places in the order....
which can be seen from looking at the 'flat/ 2D' graph of the movement over a wavespell ( see below)
Also where there is 4, 5 exists...consider a crossroad, where the 2 roads, 4 arms meet at the centre, there is a 5th point. This location / point is not in addition....consider the 4 dot expressions 4 and 9 which move to 5 and 10. a line or a double line....similar to joining the dots.
The 100º degrees of relativity between expressions 4 and 13
I have only listed the seen Kin, although from the chart above it is clear that the unseen Kin have similar degree of relativity patterns at these expressions
I have only listed the seen Kin, although from the chart above it is clear that the unseen Kin have similar degree of relativity patterns at these expressions
Function 1, 2, 3, 4, 7,8,9,10,14,15,16,17 and 20 are obvious ‘additions’ of 100;
Eg 134 + 100 = 234 or 30 + 100 = 130.
However perhaps the functions 5, 6, 11,12, 13, 18 and 19 seem odd?
Although it is simply a matter of ‘counting forward’ 100 to 260 and then from 1.
Eg 134 + 100 = 234 or 30 + 100 = 130.
However perhaps the functions 5, 6, 11,12, 13, 18 and 19 seem odd?
Although it is simply a matter of ‘counting forward’ 100 to 260 and then from 1.
The 100º degree difference between expressions 9 and 13
I have only listed the seen kin, although from the chart above it is clear that the unseen kin have similar degree of difference patterns at these expressions.
I have only listed the seen kin, although from the chart above it is clear that the unseen kin have similar degree of difference patterns at these expressions.
Function 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18 and 19 are obvious differences of 100
Eg 243 - 100 = 143 or 113 - 100 = 13.
However perhaps the functions 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15 and 20 seem odd?
although it is simply a matter of ‘counting back’ 100, to 1 and then from 260.
Eg 243 - 100 = 143 or 113 - 100 = 13.
However perhaps the functions 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15 and 20 seem odd?
although it is simply a matter of ‘counting back’ 100, to 1 and then from 260.
I will include a graph here of the Expressions as it highlights the unseen twist of expression 7 and 13,
Resonant & Cosmic, as it occurs exactly at the point of expression 4/5 and 9/10
Resonant & Cosmic, as it occurs exactly at the point of expression 4/5 and 9/10