All 260 Kin of the Tzolkin have an unseen aspect.
I refer, rather than define, this aspect as the ‘unseen’, as I cannot define it.
To define something limits, both the potentials and the ways,
our relationship relative to that which is defined is able to evolve…..
and perhaps more applicable in this case …..
I do not, or could not, presume to know The Mind of God’.
We may though, ‘follow’ IT.
The Tzolkin is a ‘text’
that is…”True, without falsehood, certain, most certain.”, to use anothers phrase.
The Tzolkin IS the pattern, the Order, all All Creation, seen and unseen.
Its numbers express the constant dynamic of creation,
the degrees of light, the catalytic energy, that moves, that expresses, that is the change,
that is The Way, that is The path, of Harmonic Evolution.
This dynamic is not merely a theoretical idea or concept, It has a very real tangible and physical presence.
Mercurial Energy is quite literally the messenger, that delivers ‘The Logos’.
The numbers of the Tzolkin are the degrees of this ever present catalytic energy.
Embodying S5 with awareness of the 4 numbers of each Kin,
is a participatory practise of attunement, informing being, informing mind.
Harmonic Evolution is not something to search or fight for,
we simply attune to that which already exists. …..
already exists within each and every body.
All is within.
While it ‘may’ appear heretical to suggest that there is more to the Tzolkin than currently perceived,
it cannot be denied.
Number IS.
Its’ Order is indisputable. 1, 2, 3, 4……..
The Tzolkin is the Order of Creation expressed by number.
The Patterns and sequences, perceptions and interpretations are infinite
and there is no one way to know or to follow.
This document is merely an open ‘window’
through which to be aware and through which to explore yourself.
I refer, rather than define, this aspect as the ‘unseen’, as I cannot define it.
To define something limits, both the potentials and the ways,
our relationship relative to that which is defined is able to evolve…..
and perhaps more applicable in this case …..
I do not, or could not, presume to know The Mind of God’.
We may though, ‘follow’ IT.
The Tzolkin is a ‘text’
that is…”True, without falsehood, certain, most certain.”, to use anothers phrase.
The Tzolkin IS the pattern, the Order, all All Creation, seen and unseen.
Its numbers express the constant dynamic of creation,
the degrees of light, the catalytic energy, that moves, that expresses, that is the change,
that is The Way, that is The path, of Harmonic Evolution.
This dynamic is not merely a theoretical idea or concept, It has a very real tangible and physical presence.
Mercurial Energy is quite literally the messenger, that delivers ‘The Logos’.
The numbers of the Tzolkin are the degrees of this ever present catalytic energy.
Embodying S5 with awareness of the 4 numbers of each Kin,
is a participatory practise of attunement, informing being, informing mind.
Harmonic Evolution is not something to search or fight for,
we simply attune to that which already exists. …..
already exists within each and every body.
All is within.
While it ‘may’ appear heretical to suggest that there is more to the Tzolkin than currently perceived,
it cannot be denied.
Number IS.
Its’ Order is indisputable. 1, 2, 3, 4……..
The Tzolkin is the Order of Creation expressed by number.
The Patterns and sequences, perceptions and interpretations are infinite
and there is no one way to know or to follow.
This document is merely an open ‘window’
through which to be aware and through which to explore yourself.
The 100 Unseen Kin
100 of the 260 Kin numbers of the Tzolkin ‘act’ as ‘doorways’ to an Unseen degree. ( degrees 261 to 360)
These degrees have different characters to that of the Kin within which they exist.
Awareness of the degrees is expanded on below, for now attention is on the 100 numbers of the Tzolkin that ‘open the door’ to the unseen degrees. I have referred to these 100 kin as the Unseen Kin..
260 + 100 = 360
360 Degrees of a circle.
The 100 Unseen Kin are ‘within’ the 260 numbers of the Tzolkin.
100 :160 = 260
1: 1.6
While each of the 260 kin numbers of the Tzolkin have an Unseen Kin, there are only 100 UNSEEN KIN NUMBERS
Consider again the numbers in the example of Kin 219, the Unseen is ‘behind’ the Kin.
These degrees have different characters to that of the Kin within which they exist.
Awareness of the degrees is expanded on below, for now attention is on the 100 numbers of the Tzolkin that ‘open the door’ to the unseen degrees. I have referred to these 100 kin as the Unseen Kin..
260 + 100 = 360
360 Degrees of a circle.
The 100 Unseen Kin are ‘within’ the 260 numbers of the Tzolkin.
100 :160 = 260
1: 1.6
While each of the 260 kin numbers of the Tzolkin have an Unseen Kin, there are only 100 UNSEEN KIN NUMBERS
Consider again the numbers in the example of Kin 219, the Unseen is ‘behind’ the Kin.
If all 260 Kin are ‘expanded’ to their 4 number form, as in image above,
and a chart were made of the numbers on the right hand side,
(for example 102 & 139)
this ‘chart’ would be comprised of 100 numbers.
The following images highlight these 100 numbers.
Another way to describe this could be to say -
The Tzolkin is composed of 260 numbers; 1 to 260
And each of these 260 numbers is a 'doorway' for a 4 numbered kin.
If these 260 '4 numbered kin were split in 2 halves, eg a left hand side and a right hand side,
the 2 numbers that are on the left are a pair of 2 numbers between 1 and 260
These 2 numbers on the left hand side of each kin add up to 261
the 2 numbers on the right hand side are also numbers between 1 and 260
however there are only 100 numbers that appear on the right hand side
these 100 numbers are highlighted on the chart below.
these 2 numbers on the right hand side of each kin add up to 241
and a chart were made of the numbers on the right hand side,
(for example 102 & 139)
this ‘chart’ would be comprised of 100 numbers.
The following images highlight these 100 numbers.
Another way to describe this could be to say -
The Tzolkin is composed of 260 numbers; 1 to 260
And each of these 260 numbers is a 'doorway' for a 4 numbered kin.
If these 260 '4 numbered kin were split in 2 halves, eg a left hand side and a right hand side,
the 2 numbers that are on the left are a pair of 2 numbers between 1 and 260
These 2 numbers on the left hand side of each kin add up to 261
the 2 numbers on the right hand side are also numbers between 1 and 260
however there are only 100 numbers that appear on the right hand side
these 100 numbers are highlighted on the chart below.
these 2 numbers on the right hand side of each kin add up to 241
The Order of these 100 numbers may appear random despite a pattern existing,
although when highlighted on the Spiral Tzolkin, it is clear they are significant.
although when highlighted on the Spiral Tzolkin, it is clear they are significant.
FUNCTION Please note;
1. In the following two images, 4 out of 20 Kin of the Unseen Degrees' have been highlighted.
I have not yet referenced these 20 Kin of the Degrees 261 - 360,
although I am including the images here as they express more eloquently
the significance of the awareness of the Unseen Kin than I am able to paraphrase in words.
2. That all Kin with the same tone align in a similar way
( refer third image below and there are further images of each unseen tone at the end of this section)
3. The ‘condensed Spiral’ in the second image (with the Unseen Kin illustrated ) is not to scale,
although it is an accurate representation of the alignments.
I have drawn it in this way and included it,
as it is difficult to see the centre portion of the spiral when drawn to scale.
1. In the following two images, 4 out of 20 Kin of the Unseen Degrees' have been highlighted.
I have not yet referenced these 20 Kin of the Degrees 261 - 360,
although I am including the images here as they express more eloquently
the significance of the awareness of the Unseen Kin than I am able to paraphrase in words.
2. That all Kin with the same tone align in a similar way
( refer third image below and there are further images of each unseen tone at the end of this section)
3. The ‘condensed Spiral’ in the second image (with the Unseen Kin illustrated ) is not to scale,
although it is an accurate representation of the alignments.
I have drawn it in this way and included it,
as it is difficult to see the centre portion of the spiral when drawn to scale.
The Unseen Kin are within the
Resonant - expression 7
Solar - expression 9
Planetary - expression 10
Spectral - expression 11
Cosmic Kin numbers - expression 13
There are 10 Unseen Kin per Dual Wavespell Function
(2 x 5 per individual wavespell)
Note that two Wavespells are ONE dual function, so there are 5 per individual wavespell or 10 Kin per ‘Wavespell pair’
( see section on wavespell pairs)
Resonant - expression 7
Solar - expression 9
Planetary - expression 10
Spectral - expression 11
Cosmic Kin numbers - expression 13
There are 10 Unseen Kin per Dual Wavespell Function
(2 x 5 per individual wavespell)
Note that two Wavespells are ONE dual function, so there are 5 per individual wavespell or 10 Kin per ‘Wavespell pair’
( see section on wavespell pairs)
Eg; Kin 7, 9, 10, 11 & 13 are in the Red Dragon Wavespell.
Kin 176, 178, 179, 180, 182 are in the White Dog Wavespell
Kin 176, 178, 179, 180, 182 are in the White Dog Wavespell
As there are 100 Unseen Kin and 260 Kin numbers….
some of the Unseen Kin occur twice on the Tzolkin
and some occur three times.
The Resonant and Cosmic Kin occur twice. 2 x 20 = 40
The Solar, Planetary & Spectral Kin occur 3 times 3 x 20 = 60
40 + 60 = 100
some of the Unseen Kin occur twice on the Tzolkin
and some occur three times.
The Resonant and Cosmic Kin occur twice. 2 x 20 = 40
The Solar, Planetary & Spectral Kin occur 3 times 3 x 20 = 60
40 + 60 = 100
5 x Function 1 - Red Dragon
5 x Function 2 - White Wind
5 x Function 3 - Blue Night …. etc
5 x 20 functions = 100
5 x Function 2 - White Wind
5 x Function 3 - Blue Night …. etc
5 x 20 functions = 100
Unseen Kin are not identical to the ‘same’ Kin number,
in many ways they are similar...and in many ways they are different.
Eg; 219
It would not be ‘wrong’ to consider the Unseen Kin of 219 as Kin 102.
The Function (2 - White Wind) and the Expression (11 - Spectral) remain the same.
There are multiple differences though. ....
4of these differences;
1. The Functions of the analog kin are different.
2. The Seen Function and its Analog = FUNCTION 19
The Unseen Function and its Analog = FUNCTION 3
Function Archetype / Glyph 1 + 2 = 3 Dragon + Wind = Night 3 + 20 = (23) = 3 Night + Sun = Night 4 + 19 = (23) =3 Seed+Storm=Night 5 + 18 = (23) = 3 Serpent + Mirror = Night 6 + 17 = (23) = 3 Worldbridger + Earth = Night 7 + 16 = (23) = 3 Hand + Warrior = Night 8 + 15= (23) = 3 Star + Eagle = Night 9 + 14 = (23) = 3 Moon + Wizard = Night 10 + 13 = (23) = 3 Dog + Skywalker + Night 11 + 12 = (23) = 3 Monkey + Human = Night note, together seen and unseen kin + their analogs = FUNCTION 1 19 + 3 = 21 (21 - 20) = 1 |
3. The Wavespells are different. (Refer Unseen Wavespells)
4. The Dynamic is different.
When 102 is the Kin Number, it has a clockwise dynamic.
As an Unseen Kin 102 has an anticlockwise dynamic.
Occult Kin have an anticlockwise dynamic,
although when the same Kin is as an Unseen Occult, the dynamic is clockwise.
eg. Kin 139 as the Unseen Occult has a clockwise dynamic.
Images of the dynamic of the waveform of a Kin Number
Kin numbers as degrees - 260 Kin + 100 Kin = 360 Degrees
This chart lists each of the 100 unseen kin ( purple columns) and next to them is a corresponding degree.
The 100 'unseen' kin account for the remaining 100 degrees of a circle. 260 numbers of Tzolkin + another 100 unseen numbers.
below is a chart of the corresponding degrees, beginning with 7 = 261 to 260 = 360 degrees.
The 100 'unseen' kin account for the remaining 100 degrees of a circle. 260 numbers of Tzolkin + another 100 unseen numbers.
below is a chart of the corresponding degrees, beginning with 7 = 261 to 260 = 360 degrees.
listing the 100 numbers a chart, you will notice each row
Each row is a particular function & expression
The exploration is infinite…..
….the columns of the unseen degrees could be considered as Castles, red white, blue yellow and green…
….the columns of the unseen degrees could be considered as Castles, red white, blue yellow and green…
……the two Kin of the Unseen Degrees always add to 111
eg Kin 219; 219 + 152 = 371 (371 - 260 ) = 111
eg Kin 219; 219 + 152 = 371 (371 - 260 ) = 111
Lists and charts ‘could’ go on and on…
the magic of the Tzolkin is beyond even contemplation...
although it is neither so much about knowing nor being told,
it is FOLLOWING.....
All is relative and the way is participatory……self informed, self doing…
Embodying S5 with awareness is a way to physically attune to the Order
so that it may inform ‘Being’.
Informing our minds so that our perception mirrors the Harmony and Perfection of Creation.
While there is no thing to gain, neither is there anything to lose….
and what it may look like, no one can tell another, not even themselves,
as it is not a knowing, a prediction, an expectation, a having and a holding,
it is a constant practise, a constant following, a constant adaption.
Each of us are individual threads within and of 'the fabric of life'.
Each of us are individual and unique expressions of the ONE Order…
Only judgment causes separation, causes fear causes disharmony.
I share my experience and perception not to tell or convince anyone.
I share for the pure joy and that perhaps it may inspire your own path….
The way is not lost, only we have lost our way.
Embodying S5 with awareness of the ONENESS, the 4 Kin numbers
is a way that I know of, and cannot deny, cannot doubt.
The Unseen is only that which we are unaware of…..
Awareness is the seed…..
Divine Simplicity
Below are additional images perhaps offering more clarity of the Divine Perfection of the Tzolkin.
Outside of the triangle - Kin Numbers listed 1 - 260
Inside triangle - (Top) the Kin Number (1 - 260) that has an Unseen Kin
& the Kin Number (or Degree) of the Unseen (261 - 360)
(Bottom)- the Function & the Tone of the Unseen Kin Number (Degree) (coloured per Function)
Inside triangle - (Top) the Kin Number (1 - 260) that has an Unseen Kin
& the Kin Number (or Degree) of the Unseen (261 - 360)
(Bottom)- the Function & the Tone of the Unseen Kin Number (Degree) (coloured per Function)

Spiral Image UNSEEN NUMBERS HIGHLIGHTED.jpg (kin numbers outside of diamond shapes) | |
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