All observation is relative to the observer....
which is why I have included the phrase 'my stories' in the heading.
These 'stories' are included to serve only as EXAMPLES of ways in which
the numbers of the Tzolkin may be perceived,
They are not intended to tell or prove anything.
IT does not need proving.
It is proof Itself.
Order isn't anything.
Order is simply order itself.
And as number it is not a theory, a calculation or code, order as number is simply order...1,2,3,4...
It cannot be altered, corrupted or controlled ...Order as number has always existed and always will
so long as there is life, as IT orders all life, all creation.
The practice is about developing your own relationship with Order.
There is nothing to learn,
everybody, and everybody has their own unique relationship with the Order.
To ‘tell’ someone is counterintuitive.
Please do not to take my word for it.
truth is both dynamic and individual, relative
to ...
.....the ORDER....
which is why I have included the phrase 'my stories' in the heading.
These 'stories' are included to serve only as EXAMPLES of ways in which
the numbers of the Tzolkin may be perceived,
They are not intended to tell or prove anything.
IT does not need proving.
It is proof Itself.
Order isn't anything.
Order is simply order itself.
And as number it is not a theory, a calculation or code, order as number is simply order...1,2,3,4...
It cannot be altered, corrupted or controlled ...Order as number has always existed and always will
so long as there is life, as IT orders all life, all creation.
The practice is about developing your own relationship with Order.
There is nothing to learn,
everybody, and everybody has their own unique relationship with the Order.
To ‘tell’ someone is counterintuitive.
Please do not to take my word for it.
truth is both dynamic and individual, relative
to ...
.....the ORDER....